Level 13,600 - Very High Level 🤣
Wow, I can't believe I reach it 😂 Maybe studio forgot to edit level stamp. 😂
Have you heard the news?
We are running a 6-week contest in the Candy Crush Friends Saga community. This is based on my stories : Friends’ Got Talent Welcome to the Friends’ Got Talent Show! Would you like to participate for a chance to win FREE gold bars for your game, Candy Crush Friends Saga? Don’t play it ……………. Don’t worry because if you…
Game Completed
Ok, maybe I have to rest or play other games and wait until next Wednesday. See you soon. 😊 ***At the time you think you can go through it instantly, but the fishing net don't.*** ***Quite a high score, maybe want to replay to gain more.* ***Waiting...***
VS Cheater
Not even 12 hrs into the new vs mode starting up, AYGUN already had 248 stars. 2 days later and they have 794 points. How is that even possible? I’ve never seen anybody get that high even at the end of the event, let alone 2 days in. im calling bs on this one.
Game Expert
Dear @QueenMia and @LadyRaffie, I am already the Game Expert for Shuffle Cats,but as we actually get about 1 Question per month, I have nothing much to do there. I would like to continue to help players on the community. I am going to start helping people on the CCJS community today onwards! But I just had a question if I…
Can someone help me replace my boosters? It's been a month thanks!
I contacted you a month ago about level.1772 On June 25th 2020. How it kept freezing on this Level (I'm passed it now and everything is fine.) and I didn't get my daily booster for a few days on level 1772.. Marmarmar2 said they would get back to me and replace them. Then she sent me a picture of FOOD for some reason on…
How's your feeling when you get this?
Don't hesitate to share your enjoyment :)
Too hard to win gold in CC Jelly
I play all the CC games and I think I'm pretty good. In the original CC I have 54 gold. In the CC Soda I have 47. In CC Friends I have 50. I don't buy gold, I just get it as a bonus for completing levels or whatever. In CC Jelly I have 1 gold. You never get it as a bonus and it really sucks. Why can't you get gold in Jelly…
Not getting my daily boosters
Someone help! I didn't get my boosters yesterday. Today I only got them for a few minutes. Can someone help me without being mean? Or turn it around and make the conversation not about them like marmarmar2 does? Thanks Have a great weekend everyone.
Marmarmar2 post on my problem
I didn't get my boosters for a few days I asked would I be compensated for them and this is what answer got marmarmar2 sent you a message Sometimes you just need to give it a month .... June 26 Then This admin sends me a picture of food. 2 June 18 Can someone help me????????????? I don't understand this person's post.