Why is this under my husband's email?
Championship ticket purchase
I have purchased an unlimited ticket for royal championship and today this option does not appear in the app! is the Royals championship over or is it temporary unavailable in this case why do you have an option to purchase an unlimited access ticket? please refund. Also when I enter the app there’s always an error if I…
How to recover my progress
I have lost all my progress and bars, I was saving my progress on my email and by mistake I opened Level 1, how do I recover my original account Level 908 and all my bars? Please HELP ME!!!!!!
Will I ever save Misty?
I have never gotten to the last level when trying to save Misty or in similar bonus games because I usually end up at the end of new levels and by the time new ones come out, the games end. If you beat all current game levels, the bonus levels should be automatically unlocked. Am I missing something?
Fishing With Friends: About Reward
Should we have a SPECIAL reward for the one who catches all fish required?
Game not loading 4-14-2020
Anyone else having loading issues? CCJS won't load either on FB or Gameroom.
Licorice in locks don’t work with plain matches
I tried to match the licorice that’s stuck in locks on the level I’m stuck on but it won’t work. Candy Crush Soda & Friends games does work with plain matches.
Levels too hard
So hard level (means need to spend loads) community says contact king (no option to contact them......) so here is a clip of a so called hard level....which is inpossible until they throw in some free boosters (not buying any more as the system stinks)
Level 3674
Worst design EVERRR 🙂
How to contact Player Support
Can anyone tell me how I can contact technical support as my friends have disappeared and I would like to get them back.? Have tried to contact support through the contact us link but for some unknown reason the site cannot contact the capatcha