Sound Preferences are not working
Sound keeps turning on after passing a new level, upon entering the game or switching screens. The sound icons indicate that they are mute but the sound keeps playing. Have to toggle the button again just to turn off the sound but it resets after every level.
Will candy cruch jelly saga be playble on King.com?
Will candy cruch jelly saga be playble on King.com?It is on iphones,tablet,will it be on King page?
How come others get tournaments and i don't i have RE downloaded? Twice i would really like the tournament my bf has it so I was wondering why I do not
ive been at the lock screen lvl 100 for like 2 weeks now it wont let me advance.
cant go past lvl 100 even though i passed the level and waited over 2 weeks now
Devices not syncing for game levels
My iPad game is at 106 but my MAC game is stuck on 104.. I tried logging off and restarting but they won't sync. I recently bought bars and boosters and really want to use them (I dont want to replay the games)
Something happened when I checked back in
my game linked to my husbands fb account and started over at level 1. I'd like to get mine back. I tried logging out and in again, but it says I've already authorized fb. How do I get it linked back to my game
Can't advance to next level
In Candy Crush Jelly Saga, I can't advance to the next level. The timer goes back to 3 days.
Which idiot programmed level 274??
Thats so annoying level, that I am seriously thinking to quit!! There is no way to win with stupid computer programm. It always gives him more gelly only on his one move. I feel so frustrated, that I wont prolly continue with this game. And of course treasure is after I win this level, how ironic to players!! I hate…
Purchased special candies no longer available
I have spent a lot of money buying bundles of special candies, most of which until a few days ago remained unused. However, as we speak none of them are available, and in fact have disappeared from the game on both my iPad and iPhone aswell as through Facebook on my iMac. I have paid for these items and it is unacceptable…
Candy Crush Jelly
Was on level 100 and then was on level 1 please explain why this has happened, was waiting three days for the time to go to next level also had friends playing same game but they never showed up on friends list for game