Thanks for the Level 1000 Play
So fun. Yesterday morning, I checked Candy Crush Saga and there was this sweet invitation to play Level 1000 to help "Clean up the Garden". Played it. So fun, got so many little "fireworks" going.....Nice and different idea...... Anita Squirrelwife
Build a bot completely gone?!!!
I woke up this morning and my build a bot is completely gone. Anyone else having this issue? I am on level 4763. I have been playing for years and thought I was going to have a chance to catch up to the new levels.😕
what's your biggest Dynamic Duo streak?
Just curious what everyone's biggest win streak is to see if any useful rewards are ever given. I reached 100 tonight. Was rewarded with a 2-hour fish booster. Woohoo. 🙄 For the record, my buddy is one of those "absent" players - meaning I always pick up his/her slack. But to the point: What even is the point of these new…
To those of you who look at questions and give no sort of response.
I’ve noticed lots of questions get viewed by many people and then have no answers or any sort of response. Help those who need it, **removed by CM - rude**. You sure took the time to be nosy, so therefore engage!
Candy Crush Record??
So I’ve just started playing Candy Crush Saga and beat the first 100 levels without losing a life yet. Is this an accomplishment or an achievement I should be proud of? Is this something that’s done often?
Sincere Apology!
Sorry to those here I’ve offended. I honestly am being very sincere. It was funny to me for a while but you people are too nice so it wasn’t fun or funny anymore. @mercerik
I am on level 5045
I am thrilled that I have done all 30 levels that we were given today. Would it be possible for everyone on this level to join me here? I am sure there are many more.
Candy Crush Saga waiting for new levels
Completed Candy Crush Saga level 4,745. Waiting for new level in a week time. 😆
I am level 5045
I am thrilled that I have done all 30 levels that we were given today. Would it be possible for everyone on this level to join me here? It would be nice to see how many of us there are.
Passed level 1000
I've comeback to tease you LOL :pleased: i passed 1000 facebook;s levels are a bit difficult , design is good. there is no lock here that was on the king.com.