relax/ training mode
a modus where you have as many moves/lives and time as you need ( the game could offer you tips on what would have been a better move or something if you want). a place where you can just get better without wasting lives while doing so. it would be really helpful especially for difficult levels where you don't know what…
Caffeine Levels: A new game mode!
To win one of these, you must collect a certain amount of Caffeine Energy. To do this, you must destroy the candies inside of Energy Tiles. Two Caffeine Energy are collected by doing so. Each move that no Caffeine Energy is collected, you will lose one. There’s also a blue, movable type of Energy Tile, as well as an Energy…
Insufferably Hard Levels
These would go a step FURTHER than Legendary Levels with their difficulty, to the point of being nearly impossible. They would be specifically designed for their ridiculous difficulty. They are fun, you have to give ‘em that! The color scheme would be even darker than the Nightmarishly Hard and Legendary Levels, with a…
Please change back!!!
Hi, I’m on level 9,133… never have I had a complaint, but can you please change back the effect of joining a striped candy with a wrapped candy… it used to clear left to right and then up and down, and now it does it all at once (changes the flow of the game having everything just be gone), BUT more often than not it only…
Level 5054
* *Edited by CM: 🤔 Oops! Please repost in English so everyone can understand - Our House Rules
Add Option as Reward
Add an option on the reward wheel that allows you to "Skip A (hard) Level". You could also add it as an "In-App Purchase". Thank you for your consideration. 8/20/23 9:30 PM CST.
Collect all orders in order!
We already have order levels that you can collect orders in ANY order. But, I had an idea to make Order in Order levels. How it works Collect any of the order IN ORDER (or from left to right) Regeneration and Non-regeneration levels Regeneration Levels Orders that can be spawned by a Candy Cannon Orders that can be…
Syrup Pod: A new Lock!
The Nectar Pod
Mystery (?) BonBon Blitz
We already have stripped, wrapped, color bomb, and fish bon bon blitz. But we don't have a mystery Bon Bon Blitz or ? BonBon Blitz. Charges Each charge can be used as a random BonBlitz. For example, you could get wrapped 1st, and fish 2nd, but the next round, you might get color bomb, and horizontal stripped.
can you put a roulette for winning candy on some levels so that can help players in other levels in order to make the game to be fantastic when playing that is my idea i think