4065 any ideas of how with no boosters too hard
Any clue on how one might tackle this level with no boosters? My view is that it’ll take adjacent color bombs plus luck/some hammers. Not fun.
Candy brain logic last level
Help , I can’t seem to figure this level out, has anyone else been able to pass it?? Thank you !!
level 4084 and growing chocolate
Need 40 chocolate on level 4084. Only 6 chocolate are on the board at start. To grow the chocolate we are given 28 moves. Cannot get enough chocolate in this amount of moves and have to buy extra moves with gold. This is not a fair playing field. Please correct this level so it is possible to win.
Issue with level 2206
Hello, when playing the Candy Crush Saga game, level 2206, a bug came up, which made it impossible for me to finish the level. You can see the video on the following link (i did not find any option here to attach the video): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ktumBnv35VkFAE6A_LeKiQIVH1XXzbKS Device: HUAWEI P SMART v8.0.0…
Need help with this level please
Level 1781
Level 1781 has only 18 moves to get 2 nuts and 2 cherries down. YouTube/other versions have 40. I’m updated on game. Need help/answers please.
Level 4138
There is something wrong with level 4138? Nothing works on the spawners.
I have only 13 moves for level 889. Others have 30. Is this right? Can't solve with 13
I have only 13 moves for 889. Others have 30. Can't solve with 13
CC Level 4138 is Nighmarishly Boring
Im on level 4138 of CC which is a "Nighmarishly Hard" level and it is so boring I dont even want to play it. Is there a secret to passing this? I havent even come close and I just want to get past it so I can play fun levels again.
What is the second order on CC level 136?
I understand the first and third order but not sure what the second one is?