Impossible levels
Hi- I've been playing weekly to the end of the road for a couple of years now. In the past month, it has become impossible to finish even the levels that are not rated as nightmarish, etc. I'm on 10669 and see all these videos about how to finish with no boosters. They all show 30 moves. I have only 20. I've blown through…
Irritated af
I have been on 144 fir 2 days now I'm about to delete I'm so irritated cause I'm great at this game tgere should be a pint where something has to give
How to complete level 1467 hard level
please tell me how to complete level 1467 my friend is stuck on it
level 7648
HELP.. I cant get the last gummi to drop down..7648
level 12253
level 12253 is IMPOSSIBLE to finish with 22 moves!! come on, this is bloody not fair!! 273 cloudy square, 185 licorice, and 110 waffles!! that's not including all the other stuff that needs to be cleared out before you can begin to clear the board!!
Its ziggy53 ,,2638930369536675
In the bar above is the number to a game that I l lost that was connected to my facebook acct how do I use it an were to get back to that game thank you so much
Friends List
How do I unfriend (get rid of) people that I want off my list. I don't any of them.
¡HELP! Level 854 I, Candy Crush Saga app on Android
Help! I'm trying to beat level 854 I, and don't know how to break the clear cubes; the single one to the left, and right. Plus! How do you properly use the Frog booster? Any suggestions and help are truly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Help! I am stuck on # 1945
It’s a nightmarishly hard level! Any tips please?
Level 3945, donot understand what combinations to make