How to send level my friend
How to send my level pass to my friend
Fudge Roll Dah!
Denize is celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Elder Scrolls series from Bethesda Softworks, which is also owned by Microsoft along with King.com and Candy Crush Saga. She's dressed up as a Dragonborn from the best-selling installment The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and she's ready to let fly a sweet thu'um shout of fudge…
I'm so stuck! I want to give up!
Level 7052
Hi can anyone help please I am unable to complete level 7052. I have purchased extras but the last chicken don't drop as I can't find the last key
Hi 👋
Hi iam here💪🏻
Hi 👋🏻 how are you. Don't be shy say hi
Friends to chat with!
I'm still active on here but not sure for how much longer. Profile should be deleted today.
Hello! 👋
Can we? 🤔
Hi, can we chat here with friends from different areas, , along side??
Spiel friert ein
Hat noch wer anderes das Problem bei candy crush saga das das Spiel laufend einfriert. Ich habe das Problem auf Handy und PC. Keine neuen Updates vorhanden. Inet Leitung top Spiel auf den neuesten Stand. Neu installiert. Arbeitsspeicher fürs Spiel freigegeben. Spiel richtig beendet. Nix hilft ist der Fehler bekannt ???…