Nagrody za reklamy
dlaczego jak raz wykupiłem sztabki złota odcięto mi dostęp do reklam i tylko zada się dalszych wykupów to nie
Zapłata brak sztabek
Dzien dobry,zapłaciłam i nie otrzymałam 10 sztabek.
Game Freezing on Chocolate Box
my game has frozen on the chocolate box, which I had just won. It has now lost my progress and I can’t get off the page. I have closed down, turned phone off but it is still stuck! I am also in a race to win gold and can’t complete my race or progress my game at all!
Candy royal didn't give me reward
I passed the game constantly for a few times. But the candy royal don't give me any golden. Why?It lasts for a month. The customer service didn't give me any effective suggestions. My iPhone is ios 15 and my game was updated already .
Jogo fechando sozinho
Estava fazendo uma.compra pra obter barra de ouro para evoluir de fase e não perder o Superbrigadeiro e a loja de não abriu, fechou o jogo e perdi o super brigadeiro
How can i get a life? Somebody send me a life
some body send me a life
Why am I not getting bonus adds
why am I not get bonus adds?
Why you turn me to square one
Why you people turn me down from 5,000 plus to 5 number why and I li game to me Google, thanks
Game not loading/blocked/grayed out
Hi. I have been having this issue of a greyed out screen that doesn’t go anywhere and even doesn’t let me use phone features like slide down for Notification Center, has been going on for a couple days already and I even made the mistake to delete the app and reinstall and now I lost all of my booster rewards!! I had so…
Reason to why not all players have the adds option
please don't answer that you're testing the feature. As this has been the answer since 2023.