Where are my lives
I’m on level 11 on winning on the first try now that I’ve lost my 1st 5 lives the 50 lives I should have been storing are gone.
3358 a rip off
okay so totally frustrated I used everything I had and made a purchase to pass this impossible level and guess what, it didn’t pass me. When I went back to the game I was on the same level. Really sleazy move. Signing off forever!
Piggy bank
I purchased the piggy bank , my debit card was charged but it did not give me my gold bars and still says full . I dont want to have to buy it a second time . What can I do ?
Striped game
You indicated you were having problems with the striped game yet two people have jumped ahead of me in the last two days yet it isn't working for me? How come I can't acquire points? Not fair and no one should win.
Game stuck on level 3410 and will not advance to the next episode
On Wed the game usually advances to the next episode but has been stuck after finishing game 3410 since May 23 rd. What is going on?
It seems Impossible for Level 3358,Please fix it.
I passed Level 158 but Candy Crush crashed
I passed level 158 but the Candy Crush app crashed before it could be registered. I also lost 1 Free Switch and 2 Lollipop Hammers. How do I fix this?
I Buy 50 Goldbars for € 7.09 and didn't get them.. please send my money back
What happened to my gold bars
I purchased 100 bars last night and used 9. Today I have only 13 bars
Candy Crush Saga
Passed level 667 but was not promoted to level 668