I have lost the sound on Candy Crush Saga and Soda. How do I get it back?
There is no sound for Candy Crush Saga and Candy Crush Soda. How do I get it back?
Problem with sound
For some reason out of the blue there is no sound at all when I play candy crush saga on FB. My sound is fine on everything else, even other FB games. But today it produces no sound.
There is no sound on Candycrush games
There is no sound on the candycrush games
No Music and Sound
No Music and Sound on Candy Crush Soda and Candy Crush Saga. Pls Pls, Fix that.I love King
no sound on any of the following games, Candy Crush Saga, Pet Rescue and Diamond Digger ?
When loading any of the about 3 games i have no game sounds. All in game setting are showing for all sounds to be on.
No sound
I don't have sound on PC. I do on kindle. What gives?
No Sound
I have no sound on your games have sound on everything else this is really aggravating
new candy games gets worst to play cause of ridicule toughness.latest is 3327. may leave soon.
So frustrated
I am so so bored with Level 656. Is it not possible to have a resign or bypass? I have been on it for ages but spirit is flagging and will be leaving it soon.
Lost all Progress!!!
After stupidly deleting the app and redownloading it due to failure to launch after Jan 10th update I have lost all progress. Was on approximately level 980 and now shows on level 1! I tried to login to the kingdom on the app with the email address candy crush had previously sent me emails on but no luck, I just want my…