2720 Fudgy Fort
Just completed this entire episode using the "golden" space ship with all the free boosters. I have to say that without them it would have not been possible. In my opinion, this is one of the hardest episodes released. Ugh...Good luck everyone.
Booster comparisons- jelly needs more boosters
Candy crush have the wheel and daily boosts for boosters. Soda had daily login's and missions. Why does Jelly only have a plant daily login- it's completely unfair and should be updated for more perks like the others.
my game keeps going back to level 1793 I was up to level 1800 and now for the 4th time it has sent me back to level 1793 why is this happening
Issue when download
When I try to download the new version of candy crush saga I am asked to change my Apple Store for the Schwiss Apple Store. But as I am registered in the French Apple Store, I cannot managed to get this new version. Can you help me or it is an issue of my device ? Thanks
What do I have to do to move onto the next level?
What do I have to do to move onto the next level? I have been on level 254 for over a year now. No matter what I do I cannot get to the next level. Please help. Thank you
Sorry, you do not have access to the Kingdom right now. Please try connecting again later. This is the message. How do I fix this issue. It worked fine about a week ago.
Just Feedback
I think when you place in the top 5 or even top 10 in candy crush soda saga that you should be rewarded something, even if its a chocolate bar, or a stripped candy, or whichever. A reward for having a top score would be appreciated since you show us anyways.
All progress lost
I just passed level 266 and lost all my progress. I'm pretty sure I saved it on my Facebook account but when I try to get it back it doesn't work and I am on level 1 again. Please help me because I have been playing this game forever and it is my favorite game!
level 2689
another level where idiotic changes were made to make a level impossible without boosters. I am sure the techs have not done this new level. I know I keep complaining about these changes; but why does CC keep punishing us that are a little late to doing these levels. After playing this level for a while, I can see where it…
I have lost all my progress
I have lost all my progress. Both games have taken me back to level 1. I have searched for answers on how to fix it and come up empty.