Level 2686 - right side candy won't drop
iPhone 6s - the last candy on right side will not drop - I've used several boosters but it still won't drop. Level 2686 Level 2686Describe your question in more detail here (at least 80 characters please)
My Candy Crush has logged into the wrong FB account, now I have lost all my progress, help!
My candy crush has logged into the wrong fb account, losing all my progress, how do i switch fb accounts! the other fb account wasnt even on my phone, this is frustrating, candy crush please fix this
How do I recover my game progress
I recently setup a new facebook profile and was able to continue playing Candy Crush on my mobile phone for a week. This morning my app connected to facebook and sent me from level 751 back to level 1. I tried using the contact portion of the website and it sends me a generic email with a link to King Care but no solution.…
level 2689
Those of us that have come to this level have found it much different than the videos. I also find it interesting that CC has not commented to any of us that have posted about this level. What a shame to come this far and be halted by an idiotic level. Again if techs change a level, at least add moves to give us a chance.
Please help
hi.. ryt now i'm playing candy crush on pc way a facebook and i'm on 499 level but now i want to play it in my smartphone so how can i start from this level in my smartphone please help and sorry for my english...
i am stuck on level 2694
so i searched online and the video that was posted has many more moves than me and different licorice, why is this
I passed level 2687 twice bit cascade keep on running for whole day and I cannot proceed to next lev
I played 2687 twice on iPad and iPhone twice but cascades never stops and I had to end game after million score twice .
Level 1370 Can't Cross Bridge and Boosters won't open
I completed level 1370 and there is a bridge with a booster box, the booster box will not open and I can't get over the bridge. I have tried logging out and back into FB. I have noticed on my Laptop I am behind by several levels so now I can't move on to play/
Candy Crush Ranking Question
Each time I rank up, it looks like I'm being awarded 5 lives, however, I don't see them anywhere. Where are they?
Balloon Barn-Worst Episode in a long time
Best of Luck to my Fellow Candy Crush Players. It has taken me since Wednesday morning to pass all the 15 levels in this episode. So many bugs/glitches. Not fun to play. Finally passed the last one on Saturday afternoon. It has been a very long time where I have not passed all new levels by Thursday morning at the latest.…