can anyone tell me how many suckers i need to purchase in order to get rid of the clocks and beat level #2381?
My husband and I synced all of our devices to my facebook candy crush. We divorced
We divorced and I want to unsync all of his devices without losing my progress. How can I do that?
An error has occured. We are doing our best to fix it, please try in a moment.
I have not been able to log into candy crush for 2-3 days now. I keep getting this message every time I try. My adobe flash is fine...any suggestions? UGH!
A little much on the reliance on keys...
A little much on the reliance on keys...in very few moves I might add on this latest episode (2511 and 0n--)
Gold Bars
Once again you have taken my hard earned gold , why ?? , you didn't give me any back last time which was 70 lost ,now youv'e taken 19 ,not a lot i know , but it's unfair .
level 2517 in only 13 moves?
Surely this must be a mistake. It is not possible to collect 6 keys, destroy the central caked area and collect 2 cherries in only 13 moves. This was only released yesterday and needs looking at.
Has anyone else been chosen as Top Player then advanced to the end of all Levels?
Last week CC's idea of a boost was advanced to 2450 (240 levels) to end of game. This morning happened again to 2496 - end of levels. How is this a gift? Anyone else with this issue?
Why am I being sent back in Candy crush I just finished level 1160 and it won't let me continue,
Can't continue on candy crush finished level 1160 and it won't let me advance, it brought me back down to level 560?
Star chaser no rewards given
i completed the challenge of earning 10 stars. Did not get any award, waited until next day did not get any award, waited for challenge to run out of time, still did not get awards. I have completed this challenge twice and neither time did I receive award
I have asked a couple times about why I cant connect to Facebook with the Candy Crush Saga game
Why cant I connect the Candy Crush Saga game to Facebook on my Kindle? I have gotten 2 answers that say comment report as abusive. I simply want to know why I don't get a real panswer. The names of the responders sound made up to me. I want it fixed please. Thank you.