Advancing to new level...
I cannot advance past level 1640. I have completed the level but the game will not open up the next section for play. There is no option to ask friends for help or to purchase access using gold. What can I do?
Virtual players in Dexter's Delight striped candy challenge
Why is it that whenever I manage to secure a really good score on the Dexter's striped candy challenge, on the leaderboard another player magically appears with a higher score than mine? I played a timed level without dying for 3 hours in order to get the score. The opponent with the higher score always looks like…
Lost gold bars
Purchased gold bars and kept getting the continue screen without getting the extra moves. Lost 51 bars.
Using gold bars
Just hit the play on button and the required 10 gold bars were deducted from my account (I only had 11). I saw it added 5 moves but immediately came up with OUT OF MOVES with a requirement of 16 gold bars. I wouldn't normally make a fuss but I have been on level 1952 for so long and I thought that with only 200 or so more…
I have a new facebook account I need to move my old account to the new one
I have a new facebook account I need to move my old account to the new one I am at a high level and cannot start over
Fabulous (???) Fair
Is it just me or is anyone else underwhelmed? You need boosters---period. I think the levels (most anyway) depend on them. It's getting a bit tiresome going back and playing the sugar track constantly--as you need to because the "treasure" chests just seem to come up empty half of the time. Don't get me wrong--I'm glad…
About two days ago, i must watt the next episode, but at the end of the time, the game said me that i must wait other 31 hours...why?
lost 15 levels, can't get new to load Candy Crush Saga
I tried the troubleshooting and wound up losing levels. I was at 2615 and it lands at 425 for some odd reason when I start (this since the update). I cleared my cache and when I reloaded Candy Crush Saga it now has me at 2601. Before I cleared the cache I was not able to get new levels from the last 2 weeks to load either,…
Stripped candy contest
This is the third time I've won the stripped contest only to log back in and find it's disappeared!! I didn't get my prize after putting in so much time. Frustrating!!!! Passing the levels with Mort is also gone. Pls Help
Why my account can't show my profile picture and level on the left top corner?
My friends's account have their own profile picture and level show on the left top corner , and they no need to ask tickets from friends for the next episiode . Can you please help me to fix it ? Thank you so much !