Hello everyone! I got lost at level 646 ... I've fulfilled the goal limit set in the task, many times, but I do not accept it. I had almost 800,000 points, and yet ... why?
Candy Crush Level 499
I was playing and got 6 greens across and it only gave me a striped candy as a reward instead of a candy bomb
Is there a glitch in the game???
I sometimes like to play levels I have already beaten. The strange and annoying thing is after scrolling down a million times to find it, after I play that level, it always refreshes and starts back at the top, so I have to rescroll after each level. Does anyone else notice that?
Not receiving rewards
Hi I'm not receiving my rewards at all Can someone please check and let me know , thanks!
I started playing candy crush on my wife'e face book account. I have been playing under her name.
She has quit Face Book and I am now on Face Book. Is there anyway to transfer the game from her name to mine and be under my Face Book account so that I do not have to start over as I have reached level 1452? If I have to start over I would probably stop playing.
Star challenge reward not recieved
I completed 10/10 of the star chase challange and havent recieved the unlimited lives for two hours or the unlimited color bombs.
Game hasn't loaded on my phone in 3 days
When I select Candy Crush Saga I get the Orange screen only game won't load. Game hasn't loaded in 3 days. Was playing fine then nothing.
Issue with star chaser in candy crush saga
I completed the quest but I am not getting the award. How do I resolve this issue
Lost boosters
My phone rebooted while playing and I lost all my non-purchased boosters , how do I get them back?
6 hour colour bomb
I have won a challenge and received 2 hour lives and 6 hour colour bomb.the lives have loaded but not the bombs.. van you help please