No new level is loaded after level 2330 on my iPad. Stuck for 3 weeks! Please fix it. Thanks.
No new level loaded after level 2330 on my ipad. Stuck for 3 weeks! When will it be done? Please fix it. Thank you very much!
mu candy crush saga is new update but they start logging
But its new updates now did not working when I start plying they kick me out in the menu my phone is android,,what can I do,,,can you fix it pls do everything
Trouble loading candy crush saga
I get to the screen that gives you the play button but when I click it nothing happens. It's not frozen as such because the background is moving........have emptied cache and rebooted......any ideas? tia
candy crush won't load and crashes on mobile
Game freezes in last level played. When loading it jumps back to start screen of my mobile. After reinstalling i lost all of my lives (100+) and boosters (some 150+). But the game was working again. Until yesterday. Same problem. It froze in a screen that I played some levels ago. Not even the last one. It keeps loading…
Again a difficult level !!!! 2381
Again I see myself in trouble king, I spent all my boosters, I made purchases, but I could not ... I honestly do not see why to make levels so impossible ... Instead of relaxing with the game, I get angry and want to give up playing .. Do not do it like that .
1952 was the level I was on doing candy crush saga and I have lost my progress why.
Why have I gone from level1952 down to level 121 there must be a problem I don't want to lose my progress.
level 1513
Level 1513 on candy crush saga is absolutely impossible! I have tried it so many times and just cannot pass it, and now it's getting just boring!
It's been more than a week ....when are new updates for android coming out ??
It's been more than a week ....when are new updates for android coming out ?? It's been at level 2375 for quite some time now...
Mi nivel de juego era el 2205 y ahora me parece en el nivel 1836 como hago para volver al nivel q estaba ?
facebook log in issue
Hi I am using blackberry z30 . I changed my Facebook password 1 month ago but then I am unable to connect candy crush with my account. I have try using 4,5 wifi connections but the error is same you dont have access to internet connection and my internet is working fine. My id is umar.atiq@yahoo.com