My is my level 2310 different than everyone elses?
on level 2310, my screen has locked blocks below the key. The examples posted here and on YouTube don't. When I AM able to hit a key, it doesn't unlock any of them, making this level un-completable. Is anyone else having this problem?
New stages
Hi, I play Candy Crush on both my Iphone and Ipad and only my Ipad has released the next stage after 2300 but my Iphone won't load it can you tell me why this is?
game froze when level completed
I just completed level 2309 and the game froze, when I refreshed it didn't save but did manage to take my jelly fish amd color bomb... any ideas on how to get this level to register as completed ?
no levels with the owl
почему у меня нет уровней с совой? когда я играл раньше на другом планшете, эти уровни были ..!
Disappearing challenges
Why do my challenges keep disappearing? I still had 50 hours left to get the stripped candy and I come back 2 hours later and the challenge is gone.
Deleted progress when connected to new facebook account
I recently made a new facebook account and connected my candy crush to it but it took me back to level 1. I'm extremely upset about this as I've been playing for years and was on around level 900. Is there any way to fix this as it's my favourite game and I'd hate to have to start again. Thanks
How do you expect someone to get Yellows from the mystery balls on Level 1879
You pop the mystery balls but they don't give you Yellows, it's ridiculous....if you create a game, create it to where you live up to it not be frustrated.
Credentials needed
Let me begin by saying I am using my wife's Facebook account to ask this question as I am not on Facebook nor do I want to be. I have been playing on my iPad for some time now and want to continue playing on my new Android phone but I need my credentials to be able to continue where I left off, around level 550 or so. I do…
Opening game glitch
I just starting a game but game only run the loading. I just leave a game for 1 hour, and it still run only loading. Is this serious?
missing boosters
chests keep disappearing when I land on them on i dont get my boosters - why?????