Opening game glitch
I just starting a game but game only run the loading. I just leave a game for 1 hour, and it still run only loading. Is this serious?
missing boosters
chests keep disappearing when I land on them on i dont get my boosters - why?????
ios fail to sync with facebook
i am at 441 in cc saga, but my phone version is still stuck at 440. I tried to restore the app and reconnect to facebook, but still no change. Anybody can help? T_T
New levels showing on iphone 6s but not on iphone 6
I am currently using a iphone 6 (ios 10.1.1) to play and the levels stop at 2300 saying that I need to wait for new levels to be added. However, my dad uses his iphone 6s (ios 10.1.1) to play and his app shows levels from 2300 and onwards. I am wondering why my app/phone doesn't show the new levels even after I tried…
Who complete level 2328?
No idea how to complete level 2328? Too many chocolate, no chances to collect yellow candies... Even not close... Candy crush, please sort it...
Cand Crush games all got synched to the wrong wife's facebook account.
My wife logged into Facebook on my Windows Surface tablet. All my Candy Crush game levels (Candy, Soda, Jelly) got synced with her account. Now whenever I login it starts over at level 1. How can I get everything connected back with my account?
i have completed 2105 level but yet no new level released.
I have already completed 2105 level on candy crush saga but no new level released yet...
No puedo conectarme a Facebook
Me marca error al conectarme y Pase 4 Niveles y quiero jugar Conectado. Me sacaron mis premios ganados . Eso Cómo se recupera ??así el juego no me da ganas de seguir jugando
I lost all my levels...
Hello, one day I decided to synchronize my game with Facebook. Such a bad idea!! I lost all my levels and I don't arrive to restore them... please help me! Furthermore I have a new phone now so I want to have the same level I had on my ancient... that's why I wanted to synchronized the game with Facebook, at the…
How can level 1810 ever be completed?
Impossible! That is all that I am going to say at the moment. I belong to a Candy Crush Saga group and no one is getting close to 200,000 to clear level 1810. This needs to be removed or made more manageable! What is King going to do to help us? You are going to lose wayyyyyyyyyy too many fans with this level! Please help…