Lost my progress
I changed my phone and I lost my progress. I was almost in level 700 and it went back to 1
Will I be at level 660 when you fix the problem?
I tryed to delete and reinstall and I went from level 660 to level 1. Now when/if you fix the problem will I go back to level 660? I don't want to start all over again! Please put me back to level 660. And please fix this problem. When I try to get on it crashed.
Candy Crush did not transfer
I just purchased a new IPad mini 2. The level I was on my old IPad 16gb was level 229 but on the new IPad mini now I am at level 14. I can not tap on the orange kingdom icon on my old IPad because it keeps crashing & can't go thru Facebook either. Any suggestions?
Lost progress when reconnecting to Facebook account
I had to reconnect my facebook account to candy crush saga and when I did so I lost progress. I was working on level 1764 and now it has me at 1743. I had over 890 lives saved up in my iPad app version and now it shows 143. Please please fix my level again. I don't want to have to replay them after passing them.
Where is my purchase?
I purchased the special package on my iPad for 50 bars, a mystery package and one of each special candy for $6.99. I received the special package because I was given 2 hours of free time. However, I didn't receive the rest of the package. Please fix this.
Why my purchase on Paradise Bay not showed up?
I purchased a large sack of purple jems for $19.99 on paradise bay today 12/20/2016. It has not shown on my game yet. Please fix this. Thanks
Lost progress on new phone
I just replaced my iPhone and opened Candy Crush to find most of my progress had been lost. I was well past level 900 and found myself at level 380. Unfortunately my previous phone is no longer working and I don't have it anymore, but I'm not about to replay almost 600 levels just to get back to where I was. I'd appreciate…
Why have I lost Dreamworld?
It simply disappeared from my game. I reinstalled the game and went through the procedures suggested by the Mods and it still has not returned. My first question about this was cited as a duplicate question but it was not. I couldn't find any other questions concerning the disappearance of Dreamworld from the regular game.…
Level 2142
I'm on level 2142 and you need to clear the jelly but I cleared them all and still says I need to clear 2. It's impossible to get passed this level
I need negative stars to become champion
I need -2 stars to become champion (trying to attach an image but not attaching...)