A timer that stops when you exit, so you don’t lose you money that you purchased with.
I really would like while you are playing, you could buy a candies powers. No just on starting
top 10
must be announce top ten every week with regarding of levels ..
make money
more you finish the levels then more chnaces to get money too.. because of that we will get new users and will be more interesting
Jump levels backwards
Hiii... It would make life much easier if we could jump backwards to lower levels. I have friends who are still under 1000 and it's a pain in the rear to send them a life. On the computer it's even worse. People send me lifes all the time and I am too lazy to flip back 6000 levels. That would make life so much easier and…
Store the lives from leveling up
When leveling up we receive 5 free lives, if you have 5 lives they are lost. Why don't they get stored with lives we receive from friends instead?
Chat bubble
Introduce a chat bubble in candy crush pls.
Let me know I lose!!!
Sometimes the moves happens so fast a replay or slow motion recap would be nice to see it.
Pre-Game Booster Change
When you start levels, you can select some boosters. In the middle of a level, you can select some boosters too. However, none of them are pre-game boosters. The idea is to allow players to choose boosters in the middle of the level. For example, if you have only one jelly left and you don't have lollipop hammers, no way…
(EDITED by CM - Unsupported language)
(EDITED by CM - Unsupported language)