Accurately label the difficulty of each level.
King is known for changing the boards of various levels for one reason or another. This often changes the difficulty of that level. If a level is changed so that it goes from "Easy" to "Hard" or "Nightmarishly Hard," the level should be relabeled to reflect the new difficulty. Too many levels were left labeled as "Easy"…
The ability to Save Lives on Candy Crush Saga
Hi Everyone I was wondering if you could please make it to where you Level Up in the game (example 32-33) and you get 5 free lives if you can save them for when you truly need them (example when you get stuck on a level and run out you will have lives saved up and can use them instead of having to wait 30 minutes or ask…
Add a dialog box to ask “are you sure” when buying lives
Hi! I recently was playing and failed a level on my last life. I didn’t know it was my last life so I was clicking through to retry but instead I accidentally bought 6 hours of unlimited lives for 70 gold bricks. I was about to go to sleep for the night so I couldn’t even use a portion of it. It’s a little disappointing to…
My mistake
I offered a suggestion that had already been made. I apologize.
Matching 3 Color Bombs
When matching 3 Color Bombs in a line maybe in stead of hitting each candy when hitting two together the 3 could have a double explosion of all candy together to be able to knock out more of the orders. (EDITED by CM - Color Bombs)
Please ADD MORE RANK PICTURE FRAMES on mobil device apps!
The rank picture frame currently stops changing at 90! I thought, surely rank 100 would have something really cool, but was greatly disappointed there was no change in frame. I’m on 171 now and it would be refreshing to see new frames. Please consider adding some new rank frames & incentives for players to earn.
Quest for hearts!
Maybe you can make quests which will refill your heart like sharing the game on Facebook once a day?
Get a reward for a certain number of master diamond trophies
I think it be great if someone can get a reward if they reach a certain number of the master diamond trophies
Bank for lives
Was awarded 5 lives but my lives were full(5), so missed out on that award. Seems maybe a bank for lives might mitigate this. I get you want players to drop $$, but little tweaks to game go along way.
Level filter and bring back level colors!
It would be cool to filter out levels (ex. difficulty,objectives, etc). I see this as a good way to practice on certain kinds of levels you struggle with, like for me I struggle on the jelly levels and I find it a more efficient way of practicing certain levels because due to this update removing the colors of level…