Era e last move
I would love it if there was a booster that I could erase the last move that did not go the way I thought, like a back button.
Contact other players one to one
It would be great to have one to one discussion or group discussion with other players
Option to "Opt - Out" from the Special Competitions
I think we should have an "Opt-Out" option from the special features -- especially "Dexter's Space Race" AND F5 Challenge (if possible) Currently, we are forced to enter the contest as soon as we play a level. As soon as we earn certain number of Green Candy, we are automatically entered into the contest without any…
New boosters
I think u should create some new boosters.. New style of effects .
I think think it would be great to be able to chat with otter players
Toggle button.
Please make toggle button for build a bot. I wanna play without boosters but in order to do so I am forced to lose a life everytime I win a level because I am equipped with colour bomb booster.
Adding more Boosters to the Booster wheel
I am on level 3454 and have never received the ice cream cone booster as well as the purple stripped ball. I would strongly suggest that these become Bart of the wheel that we can spin once daily!!! Thanks
Turn off Boosters button
I wanna play the levels without boosters, but every single day i get some unpleasant surprise with one or more free (timer) boosters. And then i have to wait until the timer has finally run out, to try and finish a level without a booster!! Please give us the option to turn off the (timer) boosters. (An extra life or some…
paint bucket
This new feature is not always helpful. At the moment I have a level and it is annoying for me. Because I prefer to do my moves and I want it and not add color. Would it be possible if you could do it this way: who needs it, who takes it for himself? That would be helpful!
Give more booster after 4500 episode
Give more booster after 4500 episode. After 4500 episode games are difficult so it isn't completed after so many attempts. So it is required more booster. Don't compare between 2000 or less game with 4000 and above games Give more lives at interval of 15 minutes so more round played. Thanks