Add chatting feature in the game
Sharing items
It would be great to have options for example sharing or giving someone gold bars.....…
chat with candy friends during playing a level.
there should be option for chat with friends of candy crush during playing game levels.
Save time
When multiple events are going and we have timed boosters stop the clock because for everything we have to click on and exit off to get back to the game takes seconds off of our timed boosters
Candy Crush Editor Saga!
I think that a game where you can make your own custom Candy Crush Saga levels with elements from all four of the games, including massive boards and the ability to mix any types of levels you want, would be really cool. I've been making images of all kinds of crazy levels using a program called Game Maker and I would love…
Giving points in competition
different system of giving points in a competition
Level streak protection
Start working on level streak protection to avoid the following scenario: 1, I play a level and suddenly I have to pause playing. 2, I change task or just leave the game as it is for some time 3, I switch back to the game and the level is gone. I am pushed back to the main screen. 4, Result: The 21 level streak event is…
Undo Button
How about and undo button that reverses your last move - maybe one use per level? The amount of times I have swapped the wrong candies by mistake and wasted special candies, and wished that I could go back one move and do it again.
Free gold bar on completing levels
Free gold bars can be offered in completing legendary levels
No idea will get implemented
King nor the developers care what you put forward into ideas they don't care don't listen don't implement your wasting your time trying they just close your idea remember this ....