I think you should offer some players t shirts hats something for ranking at last 1,000 levels just a idea
Get rid of the emojis
Get rid of the emojis. I want to compete against my Facebook friends, NOT a bunch of emojis about whom I know NOTHING and who NEVER send me a life even though I send them one two or three times a day whenever I play.
For creating personal notification area 🙂
First of all good morning everyone.💐🏵🌺🌹Spread love and happiness. So Here I want to say my one request please think about it my understandable, sweet, cooperative leaders, co leaders and my sweet members, friends. So it's my 6th day in this community and I am following some contests, discussions, etc.. and when I am…
Grouping the Levels as 1000,2000,3000...
Hi all I'm not good at ideas this is my small thought. Grouping the levels as 1 to 1000 levels as Bubblegum roll group 1001 to 2000 levels as Tiffi group 2001 to 3000 levels as Yeti group 3001 to 4000 levels as Toffee group 4001 to 5000 levels as Benny group 5001 and above level as Genie group Each group with different…
Episode Race
This challenge is sometimes very difficult as you have to complete 15 levels. The winner recieves 5 gold bars. I suggest that this number to be increased to 15 with second place recieving 10 and third place 5 bars.
Daily Booster
UFO and Lollypop Hammer should be included in daily booster calender
Continue screen
When you run out of moves in a level and the continue screen comes up 2 continue playing, I wish it was a little smaller and moved out of the way so that the player can see what moves they have left. Often times I don't want to continue playing because I don't know what chance I have at finishing so I don't use any gold…
Colour Code Lives
Please make it easier to tell when I have received lives versus when someone is asking for a life. One used to be green and the other red. Now they're both red. Please give them different colours.
Awarding system
I think we should have new awarding system to encourage our players to keep on playing the game
Add special candies to In-level Board menu
Color bombs-Wrapped/striped-Fishies These are boosters that are earned and/or purchased by the player. Too often they are wasted on the first move because they all detonate at the same time. They could be added to the board booster menu, even if they're capped so you can only place a certain number of them per level it…