Hitting jackpot on the wheel.
Actually allow us to get the jackpot on the wheel, I've been playing for years and haven't once gotten the jackpot when I spin.
block lives
how the player who asks
for a lot of lives is blocked
every now and then.
Map progress
I can’t see other players progress on the map which takes away the excitement of playing and trying to pass a player your playing to try to keep up with and pass !! Please change this feature back to how it use to be so we can see each other on the map !!
Jackpot booster
Ok i am so sick of “almost” getting the jackpot booster on the wheel and its so frustrating that i wish u would take it off if ur not going to let us win it thnx!
Who's in the lead after losing a level?
Everything with the game is going smooth, except: It's kind of annoying to see what place I'm in for the daily level beaters 1st 2nd and 3rd everytime I lose a level. It would be nice if it only showed up if a player beats the level or actually progresses closer to the top, or basically it's just a reminder that you lost…
Hidden moves
Hey yall, I've been crushing sugar and this came to mind when you get short of moves..Wouldnt be great to have hidden count of moves on board that pop up as you play? Or maybe getting time blocks and trying to hit them too..Levels are hard enough to start over again..each time..isnt it? Or even if you have left moves to…
Days of play
Hello, to the point. I'm not in the best of health all the time, but on those days that I am, I enjoy playing Candy Crush..however on those days when I don't feel well, it bothers me to keep seeing my dop going from 60+ days back to 1 because I wasn't feeling well and or forgot to play. Will you consider just leaving the…
Episode backgrounds
It's been about two years and well, the "reused background" issue remains unresolved. 23 backgrounds out of 317 released episodes are fine, which is 7.26%. The ones in Candy Crush Soda Saga are way clearer than this but there are only fewer reused ones which is composed of 10.5% at most. Imagine a user playing level 4131,…
Lives and booster share option
we must have an option to share any type of booster n lives any time at just a click away.
Piggy Bank
Add a way to retrieve the good bars from the piggy bank without real money. Retrieve the gold just by hitting a certain level periodically.