Fantastic 5 limit to minimum levels have to play
Don’t you just find it annoying when you are doing all the work in your fantastic 5 teams. well I’m saying that each member should have a part of it to do themselves. And if they can they can ask a member to do it for them.
You should be able to "bank" free lives given when finishing a level when yours is full. It's not cool you lose those if you already have 4 lives. Or is there something I am missing on how to do this?
Leader Boards
Please bring them back!!!!! There is a big hole in the enjoyment gained from this game due to their loss!!!
Several Thoughts
1: The constant having to click to get to the actual game is a huge turnoff and sometimes I just give up and go elsewhere. I don’t need to know how to add friends or get through the items. 2: I work really hard to get gold bars yet an accidental click can take them away. Make it so we have to confirm we really meant to…
Live fun, Play and Chat
There are funstastic five group for teams, frineds can chat here with each other while levelling up in game, ,suggesf each other for clearing the level.It will entertaining and fill engagement as today's need ,live with friends and play game for stress relief.
Chat options
Chat options and also play 2 person at a time
Move bank
Like moves are saved while playing our game, make move bank option for those moves. The player can make those moves later. when needed. This option will make the game better. more people will play. Try it once again you will know.
Candy Crush Contest Winner wins Cash Prize
Hi, A special contest should be held where the winner that reaches the hightst levet in that race can win a cash prize
Candy communitiy
Hello I've got an idea. I'm sure others have come up with the idea before. I'm a Candy crash player If I could contact other players It'd be great if there was a message box for that. Both the individual message and the lobby that all players can participate in This may not actually be a new idea that exists in almost…
Candy crush saga topper
Candy Crush Saga to be made live and online like PUBJI, I want everyone to see me live and comment while completing the level. Thanks and regards, Shadman hasan * *Edited by CM:⛔️ That’s too much personal information. For your own safety and protection, do not share your email address - Our House Rules