Use beans for boosters
for those who cannot afford to buy gold bars should be able to use beans to get boosters other than just shovels.
Rollover lives
It would be great if the lives that weren't used in the current game could rollover to the next game/level. Say I have 25 chances/lives to complete the game, but I complete it in 3 lives. The 22 lives left should rollover to the next game/level.
Share the gold
It would be nice to share the gold bars from friend / family to each other
Add friends
Add Gold Bars to Candy Wheel
Add gold bars to the candy wheel to win. Add extra moves to the wheel. The Candy wheel needs a make over. Thanks
Idea to make the candy crush more interesting
I will sell my idea in 50,0000
Please someone take a poll about the recent changes to the soundtrack and sound effects.
I come through this post to ask a moderator or someone who has this option to make a poll about the changes in the game's soundtrack and sound effects, I saw a post where there are users complaining, as well as a poll was made about the box of chocolate take a poll about the sounds... It's a way of showing these players…
New impossible levels!
Legendary Levels are just cheap relabels of old Nightmarishly Hard Levels. That’s lame. We should go even further with Impossible Levels! These should be specifically DESIGNED for this new difficulty, and should be seemingly impossible without boosters. Seriously, the chances of winning are BELOW 0.1%. #1 Collect all jelly…
Hi friends
Hello dosto
boost exchange
Being able to exchange and give away boosters and objects between friends I feel that it would give friends another use since they are practically for decoration