Bring back horizontal view
Here is a great idea stop making us play in portrait view! It’s my device let me choose how to hold it to make playing the game enjoyable.
Chatting with added friends.
You should add chat with friends option in the game.
gold bars should be free
I think the price for all gold bars should be free. Yes keep the bundles payed for but gold bars should be totally free. also the Party Booster should be available on spinning wheel or given free if someone is having trouble passing a level after a month. One last thing, if someone asks for a specific booster to help them,…
Level Streak Augmentation
Like some other levels, if you have these timers going AND have a max level win streak, you will INSTANTLY FAIL THE LEVEL UPON STARTUP. So can we get this level to not adfect the win streak? And also, mind restoring my 673 level win streak that was stolen due to this? Thanks.
Blue Gummi Dragons
Since Cherries and Hazelnuts aren’t a thing, why not have two kinds of Gummi Dragons? I mean, now there’s only one kind of Ingredient to collect, since Hazelnuts are gone. Maybe you could try adding another color of Gummi Dragon to the mix; that would be great! Thank you for your time.
Paint your candy
Hello. What do you think about a brush that allows to paint a candy in the color you choose? Good day!
An even higher level difficulty
Firstly, the labels for level difficulties are WAY off. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve seen an “easy level”, and said “Ok, I’m not using boosters then”, and then I regret it because the level is immensely difficult. Also, some Nightmarishly Hard levels are just jokes! There have been plenty of times I’ve had a…
No more possible shuffles
i think there should be an update towards this feature that after at least 4 no more possible shuffles the game stop and completely resets without taking a life.
Moves Carryover to Next Level
It would be nice and helpful if you have moves left after completing a level to have those remaining moves carryover to the next level. Especially when you spend money to purchase extra moves to complete a level and not lose your streak. Thank you for your consideration 🤔
Allow players to review the current state of the board when no moves remain.
When you run out of moves, the message that tells you so blocks up much of the board, preventing you from getting a full look at it. I believe that if you allow players to survey the entirety of the board when all of their moves are gone will help them make a better decision over whether to go for the extra moves, or to…