That is too funny that you gave your daughter the same name that I have! I am going to tag @QueenMia who is the Community Manager for this game. I'm not sure why they don't have special events but maybe she can get more information on that for you.
Hi @PlayingMama, sorry that your message
wasn't picked up before now. Do you still need help with this?
Something happened with the messages when they integrated the old system into
this new community so your message just showed up today. Please don't
hesitate to contact us again because now we are on top of all new messages.
This title "Elsa mentioned you in Two reshuffles and the game is over!" in my regular e-mail inbox left me confused at first... my younger daughter is Elsa, too and I thought that the message had something to do with her!
I suppose you already know that now the game (AlphaBetty) keeps shuffling a lot longer - so maybe someone there got the message before you did
I'm also wondering why there are no special games/ tournaments there? Nor a way to gain any tools by playing "well"...
That is too funny that you gave your daughter the same name that I have! I am going to tag @QueenMia who is the Community Manager for this game. I'm not sure why they don't have special events but maybe she can get more information on that for you.
Thank you very much @abe_coffee for this wonderful information! I am going to keep your information handy just in case a new message on this shuffling posts here in the community!