i have been playing the Buddy Challenge for quite a time. Today I had a new task. (Win six levels) I already have play and advance the six levels but my count is zero. Is there a problem? Thanks for your help!
Hi Elsa: question-why is it that some players with the dynamic duo were able to advance to new episodes and others weren't? Of course I have already disabled my dynamic duo yesterday cause I wasn't being helped. So now, I have to wait next Wednesday (Mar 6) for my episode 298 which I haven't been advanced since for a few weeks with a duo.
What is your last available level? I thought that episode 298 covers today's release. Some players were able to advance because they were randomly chosen to test it. I know that the test didn't work because there were too many issues and non-syncing so I think they have now stopped it. I just completed 4490 on Windows 10.
Hi Elsa. You are so lucky to have completed 4490 in Windows 10. On mobile, King.com released 2 episodes today, episode 295 (4401-4415) and episode 296 (4416-4430). So, if next Wednesday, March 6 King.com releases 2 episodes, the likes of 297 and 298, I would be fine cause I have already completed 297 two weeks ago and I just need to play 298 (4446-4460) which I was hoping it would be release or have been released today but never happened. Maybe (I) as one of the chosen tester, it's over for me. Oh well.