Hi guys, I am going to tag @Cezdiamond who is the Community Manager. We are all aware of the video not working but maybe she can get us some kind of update. Thanks @Gregg for tagging me.
Hi @Elsa, they've made some enhancements on the booster videos and its been working great for the past couple of weeks for me. However, no video boosters as an option on my laptop, just on my Android phone & tablet. Gregg
Hi @Gregg, most of these features seem to be only for mobile devices. I'm not sure why they can't add it to the computer version. I am asking them why now so if and when I get an answer I will let you know. I have a brilliant idea for you! An "Ideas" category was added to the Saga community and here is the link:
They want your feedback on how to improve the game, so go ahead and post a message there. Also if you like any of the ideas already posted you can vote. I assume the higher number for some ideas might get tested first. I posted one idea and just thought of another so I am heading back there to add a couple more ideas.
That's an awesome idea @Elsa! I'll go check it out shortly and add my idea about incorporating the free spin video boosters on the computer version of the game Candy Crush Sega & other games where applicable. I'm sure other ideas will pop up as well, and if so, I'll be sure to add them to the idea site😊