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A search box added to the game



  • Gregg
    Gregg Posts: 84

    Level 3

    edited December 2019
    Yep @Elsa that's probably why. Hopefully a resolution will be made to this fix soon! Simple resolution in my opinion: If no moves made, make same game board reappear when one backs out and immediately comes back in with no lives lost; if move made, lose life if back out or a certain amount of time elapses.  Either way, hopefully they can make an enhancement to the game soon to incorporate a level search option to make it easier to go to previous levels without having to scroll back so far to give friends lives! 
    @Pounawea - Please review this post plus previous ones in this thread...thanks
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    From what Pounawea wrote last Friday they are not going to reverse their decision so we have to wait until the studio comes up with.  You'd be better off posting in that message than here.
  • Gregg
    Gregg Posts: 84

    Level 3

    I'm just a thought. I'll ask about an update on the search option again next year. 
  • Gregg said:
    I'm just a thought. I'll ask about an update on the search option again next year. 
    instead of king thinking about things like the search , they are busy removing the option to reset game of which no player even asked them to ..

    looks like now king wants to play its own games,
    first it was the timed sugar drops boosters, timed daily treat calendar boosters, then now this fix🙄🙄🙄 so frustrating!!!
  • Gregg
    Gregg Posts: 84

    Level 3

    @MataiceAlison Very frustrating as this search function has been asked for time and time again for about a year now...but their focus/priorities appear to be elsewhere...
  • Voted! Let's do it!
  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    This idea came to me yesterday, or where I had made it for soda. It should be done in all legends !!!

  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Hi @Spinnifix!  I know that in the old CC Saga game there was a way to get down to lower levels but since they switched to HTML5 and now so many more levels it's crazy to have to scroll down to lower levels.  I think CC Soda Saga has the easiest way to go down with the list of episodes on the right side so you just scroll to the episode which is much faster.  They should do it for all their games.  You're right!
  • Gregg
    Gregg Posts: 84

    Level 3

    edited January 2020
    Hi @Spinnifix & @Elsa Anything would be better than no scroll back / search option. Even though CC Soda Saga has a scroll back option, it's like in 15 to 20 level increments, so after a certain point, a player has to do a lot of scrolling on it, just not as much as not having a scroll feature. This concept incorporated on CC Saga (& other games as applicable) would be better than nothing, but would suggest also including a search box so if a player wants to play a certain / favorite lower level &/or give lives to one who is at a specific lower level they can do so easily.
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Hi @Gregg, how are you doing lately?  I think it's really bad now to scroll down from the 6000s.  I'm not sure why this hasn't been picked up and something done with it.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?