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Stuck on level for weeks

1520836804 Posts: 31

Level 3

edited March 2019 in Support
I used to spend lots of money on buying boosters, Candy Crush made me used them all, (When I used boosters the game gets harder) I decided not to buy nor use boosters anymore. Candy Crush is designed to make players waste money for no progress. At the other hand, the amount of moves are less than you tube games and harder. Another thing I hate from Kings productions is that they gave you fictitious moves. Always ask you to complete certain quantity a items but ending been 3 times or more the amount. Jelly for example aren´t exactly what it should be.My nephew wanted to start playing candy crush saga, I told him don´t even try to start it won´t worth it. When I wrote my concerns to Candy Crush they always have this automatic response that never solve my problems.


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