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how do i sync ccs and soda to facebook?

blutu Posts: 16

Level 2

the website elsa gave me just goes to vimeo where i have to set up an account?    there was another website that i didn't see a place to log in. i went thru the steps and it said nothing will be going to facebook.   this back and forth with no remedies is very frustrating........  ready to give it up


  • Crimson_Dawn
    Crimson_Dawn Posts: 2,741
    Hello, @blutu! Do you have one of the games synced and you are having trouble syncing the other one, or are you having trouble getting all of your games to sync?
  • blutu
    blutu Posts: 16

    Level 2

    Neither game is synced, i tried for fb but there was a msg that said will not go on fb
  • blutu
    blutu Posts: 16

    Level 2

    my computer also says needs flash 11 to do the games could that be a problem, can't download 11, computer says it's updated.  i was on level 356 in the kingdom game, does that translate to level 28 on the facebook game?  thx

  • Crimson_Dawn
    Crimson_Dawn Posts: 2,741
    @blutu, I'm not sure. I'll tag @firebombmarkus to help.
  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    edited June 2019
    blutu said:
    my computer also says needs flash 11 to do the games could that be a problem, can't download 11, computer says it's updated.  i was on level 356 in the kingdom game, does that translate to level 28 on the facebook game?  thx


    Hi there! Welcome to the Community!

    If you are playing using a Browser, do not mess with Adobe Flash Player. You are going to have a bigger problem if you do. Browser like Google Chrome updates the Flash Player so that you don't have to. The reason is because Flash Player has too many Confusing Versions.

    While I was putting together Instructions on How To Change E-Mail Address & Password at the Kingdom, I noticed something. It says "Decrease in points and progress, Connect to Facebook". I wasn't sure what it meant because I never played Candy Crush Saga at the Kingdom at all since the release of Candy Crush Saga. Let me ask @Jelly Jenny about it. I am sure she can explain it to us. Below is the ScreenShot of what I was talking about:

  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,928
    edited June 2019
    Hello @blutu
    We are very pleased that you have joined our king community. Here i am, trying to help you.🙏🏻

    The Kingdom Platform is out of date so you can face many problems. However, the game will not be difficult to play. At the beginning of the game you have read the problem below. See, arrows and click ''Get Adobe Flash Player"

    After clicking, you will receive a Flash Notification, click on Allow

    After doing these, your game will be ready to open.

    If you want to sync the game with Facebook, click the link below. If you do not understand, tell me again.
  • firebombmarkus
    firebombmarkus Posts: 13,104
    edited June 2019
    Hi @blutu and welcome to our adorable Community 😊 Thanks for tagging me @Crimson_Dawn This issue is not familiar to me so I really hope that @mercerik's and @Sukanta_Biswas' solutions would help. Thank for jumping in guys 😉
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,547
    I am coming back here to respond @blutu.  If you are playing the game on there are issues with it and the studio is trying to find a fix for them now.  I am happy that I came back here because I didn't realize that the video was from the old King Care website and was not transferred to this community.  If after trying the above from the players you still need help this is what I tell all the players. 

    Can you get into your account to get your user ID #?  If so, please follow the steps to get it here:

    Once you have the number, please complete the contact form from this link:

    They can manually go into your new account and get you back to where you were.  It might take a couple of days before you get a response so please be patient.  You should get an email with a ticket number on it.  Please make sure to use this topic and subtopic when completing the form.

  • mercerik
    mercerik Posts: 3,617
    edited June 2019
    @Sukanta_Biswas @blutu @Elsa

    I think I see why people are having issues with Candy Crush Saga and I don't. It is the Adobe Flash Player Version that Candy Crush Saga recommends. Adobe Flash Player Version 11 is not what the Browsers are Supporting. The Browsers are Supporting Version As I said above, even though Google Chrome has transitioned to HTML5, Google keeps the Flash Player Updated each time it Updates Chrome to keep the browser user safe and secured. The Users Only Responsibility is to keep their browser Fully-Updated. I said this over and over but nobody seems to listen.

    Here is the link Adobe Flash Player with the latest Version for every Browser Platform:

    Here is the ScreenShot of what you are going to see at the link:

    If you are using Google Chrome, you can also check what you have on Google Chrome by typing chrome://components on the search bar. This is not a link, you will have to type this in yourself. It is part of the Chrome Settings.

    If you have other Browsers, please go to How To See What Version of Flash Player You Have with this link:

    I hope I am not too late. I certainly hope that no one has installed the Very Old Version of Adobe Flash Player. It will just complicate things for everyone.

  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,928
    I never update the flash player or need it.  :lol:  everything fine for me  :awesome:

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