I think I see why people are having issues with Candy Crush Saga and I don't. It is the Adobe Flash Player Version that Candy Crush Saga recommends. Adobe Flash Player Version 11 is not what the Browsers are Supporting. The Browsers are Supporting Version As I said above, even though Google Chrome has transitioned to HTML5, Google keeps the Flash Player Updated each time it Updates Chrome to keep the browser user safe and secured. The Users Only Responsibility is to keep their browser Fully-Updated. I said this over and over but nobody seems to listen.
Here is the link Adobe Flash Player with the latest Version for every Browser Platform: https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/about/?red=a
Here is the ScreenShot of what you are going to see at the link:

If you are using Google Chrome, you can also check what you have on Google Chrome by typing chrome://components on the search bar. This is not a link, you will have to type this in yourself. It is part of the Chrome Settings.
If you have other Browsers, please go to How To See What Version of Flash Player You Have with this link: https://www.lifewire.com/what-version-of-flash-do-i-have-2617986
I hope I am not too late. I certainly hope that no one has installed the Very Old Version of Adobe Flash Player. It will just complicate things for everyone.