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Sugar track boosters

Eileen_Rogean Posts: 12

Level 2

Hello, recently I have noticed that when I play on king website the sugar track is no longer awarding boosters of any kind, not even timed ones as you do when you play on facebook. Has this been discontinued?


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
    Hi @Eileen_Rogean, welcome to our community.  I would like to take a moment to offer you a message for all newbies to learn more about our community which you can find here.  We always run contests so be sure to do them for a chance to win gold bars.

    The king website,, has a few glitches like the spinning wheel, not able to send/receive lives and more.  I bet that the sugar drop challenge has also been affected by this.  The studio is trying to find a fix but this game was programmed with Adobe Flash and Adobe is fading it out next year.  The studio has already changed CC Saga to HTML5 and might be able to do that on in the future.  Are you able to play the game elsewhere?  Facebook?  Windows 10 on a comuter?  Or if you have a mobile device you can log into your King account from there and then you will have all the events working for you.

  • Eileen_Rogean
    Eileen_Rogean Posts: 12

    Level 2

    Thankyou for your response Elsa. Yes I am able to play the game on facebook but the sugar track does not award very good boosters, unlike the king website which doubled the sugar drops if you won the level as well as awarding gold bars & all types of boosters. Facebook only awards the occasional hammer & timed boosters which are not useful to me (except on Wednesdays when new levels come out)  as  I have completed ALL current levels on candy crush. 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,544
    Oh yes!  I totally forgot about the double rewards.  They stopped doing that on Facebook ages ago.  I also complete the new episode every week.  You are right that playing through Facebook and even playing on mobile doesn't give the double rewards anymore.  The studio is making a lot of changes so we'll see what else they offer in the future.
  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376
    This was reported since early October:

    It's still not fixed, but from my experience, relogging into the King website refreshes the inventory. If you remain in the window after collecting the sugar drops, the boosters count is frozen. Only the graphics for winning the boosters have disappeared. You should still receive your rewards though - I do.
  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698
    I agree with you. The graphics are gone but I still collect boosters. However, without the graphics it is not near as much fun.😑

  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698
    It is nice to meet yet another fan of the "old flash" version of the game at Like you, I have always enjoyed the doubling of the sugar drops. You can surely complete the sugar track quickly. Welcome to the community!

  • Eileen_Rogean
    Eileen_Rogean Posts: 12

    Level 2

    Yes, I had been enjoying the bonus sugar drops with all the boosters received through it, but as the King website stopped at level 2825 with the flash version, I have since been playing on facebook. Sadly king no longer awards any boosters or gold bars at all & facebook only gives a hammer every once in a while between the timed boosters, a sad substitute for gold bars & real boosters
  • Scooterpie
    Scooterpie Posts: 6,698
    I still use the old flash version daily to collect sugar drops for regular boosters. Love level 1476. Unfortunately Adobe Flash is to be discontinued in December 2020. I do not know what the future is for this version of the game.  🍬🔨🍭🔨
  • Eileen_Rogean
    Eileen_Rogean Posts: 12

    Level 2

    Up until about a week ago I was getting boosters on king but now the spinner does not appear at all & even though I collected sugar drops, I am not getting any boosters
  • Eileen_Rogean
    Eileen_Rogean Posts: 12

    Level 2

    1476, 1168, 1137 & 666 are my favorites, with level 3309 dynamite for color bombs!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?