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Upcoming changes in Candy Crush Saga: Sugar Track, Build-a-bot, and more



  • Ah_Kwang
    Ah_Kwang Posts: 230 Level 3

    Dexter is super important as it has 6 hrs free booster. Beach game is of no value to me as I have finished all the games and the max I can go is 45.At the end of Thursday I reached 45 and the rest of the week I just sit and watch others completing 80 to 100+ game. In the end I will be pushed to 4th position and get a lousy coconut wheel. Happens twice so far. I believe King should be fairer to us so that we can have a fighting chance. To me beach game is not a game.

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619 Level 4

    Was not even trying with Tiffy.

    Previous week 45 points were enough for me to score first place, even in the Weekly Challenge.

    This week CW

    F5 team contribution so far is 100 points from me. Played previous levels for Sugar Stard, but stopped. On two occasions I pressed retry but it gave me 6 extra lives and 20 GB's gone off my account. 😠 , that is 1 UFO

    Only now to contribute is waiting the new levels.

  • Ah_Kwang
    Ah_Kwang Posts: 230 Level 3

    Last few weeks was OK with my balance boosters. This week fewer booster. Let's see tonight. Let u know tomorrow.

  • Gary_Turner
    Gary_Turner Posts: 281 Level 3

    Waiting on the new levels coming out today and I’ll be starting on level 7506. I’ve just had a look at the video on what to do. The video gives you 28 moves and says this level is hard. According to fandom you only get 22 moves and there are NO videos showing how to do this level in 22 moves. This is happening with every level nowadays, absolutely shocking from the designers. This means that you lose your build a bot right away and with the hardness of levels its impossible to build it up to the max, plus you’ll have to use plenty boosters (which I haven’t got) to pass I’ve said before I’m going to quit but I’ve came back, but can anyone tell me what’s the point in playing this game anymore. There’s far too many obstacles being put in your way every week and they’re making it very easy for players to quit. I used to enjoy playing this game but not anymore. Its not worth the hassle and it’s not fun to play

    before anyone says that levels are changed and moves are reduced to make it more challenging, its not. The reason is to get you to use your boosters so you need to BUY more if you want to pass. Its just greed from the makers. Once a certain number of people have complained the number of moves suddenly gets put back up and you pass no problem. I had one level last week I was on for ages, lost count of the attempts I tried, which had 25 moves. I complained and within an hour the moves went back up to 32. On my next attempt I only had 2 candies to get but I spun the wheel and got 15 extra moves. I only needed 3 to pass. So in fact I used 35 moves to pass a nightmarishly hard level which only had 25 moves originally. I wasted plenty boosters trying to pass before they added 7 extra moves. It proves all they’re interested in is MONEY

    start listening to the players and bring the fun back. Some people will say they haven’t spent a penny, but they probably get the levels before the number of moves is drastically reduced. I hate having to wait for a lucky board after having about 30 attempts and then you pass due to numerous cascades and you don’t know how it happened. That’s not me playing the game, that’s KING deciding when they’ll let you pass. Very boring

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619 Level 4

    @Gary_Turner I'll be starting level 7506 later on. Hope it's not we moves. I still have some boosters left, but won't waste booster on it. The last few week's levels were not bad if you started with all the Pre-game Boosters.

    Did not use a lot of Boosters for the last few weeks. I averaged 7 Boosters a episode and that is in-game boosters only. Use average 2 UFO' per episode. With Dexter gone, I'm low on UFO's. Will see what the first episode dishes up.

    Good luck to you and @Ah_Kwang and those who start new levels today.

  • Gabryel77
    Gabryel77 Posts: 22 Level 2

    I am totally agree with you, the game become harder and harder ,become money hungry is so obvious and that is shameful, they took out Dexter And also build a bot before when you loose a level you decrease only one on the booster now if you loose a level you loose all the boosters so unfair, they definitely know what they do ,to make us spend more money 💰 . I use to love this game ,now I changed the opinion about it. At list out of respect for all the players bring back to normal the build a bot and don't make us loose everything if we can not pass a level. Think of the players to not only how to make more money out of it. I wouldn't spend a 1 dollar for this game if I knew all this changes ,but I did spend sometimes and they should respect us and at list to answer us when we ask for something.

  • Ah_Kwang
    Ah_Kwang Posts: 230 Level 3


    Hi Albert

    Just finished 7550. This round not too bad but was assisted by F5 and a few booster. Was not able to access the cinema last two days. For some reasons King took away this booster aid. Also the balloon was difficult to get out but managed to get it out 1 am last night. The 5 booster including one SHand was a help. I am now number one on the beach game. Cannot do anymore just sit a see how other participants overshoot me next 6 days 😂😂😂

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619 Level 4

    Completed the first 15 levels using 7 In-game Boosters in 4 levels. One UFO, 2 X FS and 4 X LH's

    Started with almost full BaB and additional CB's and W&SC. Opened the Musical box in level 7509 giving me a huge advantage for a half hour. All levels were played with all Pre-game Boosters. Starting boosters were 2 X CB's, 3 X W&SC's and 3 Extra moves.

    Used 4 boosters in level 7506. This is a 22 move level having to clear 61 squares.

    The layout is a 5x5 square with 5 locked jellies, and all squares on the outside blocked with bubblegum and icing blockers. This gives the player limited options to start. With only 3 different jelly types, special candies are spontaneously created almost at will, once all the internal squares are cleared. This makes it difficult to control.

    Colour Bombs are aplenty, but difficult to line up with Striped Candies. The best way to attack is with Wrapped and Striped Candy combos, but not easy to control.

    I replayed this level 6 times, without any boosters and no success. The closest I got, was 4 squares to clear and 1 move left

    The blockers just outside the square, above and below are the difficult ones to remove.

    In one game played there were no squares cleared after 5 moves. With 11 moves left, a CB combo was available. With 4 moves left, there were still 36 jellies to clear and after completing all moves, 31 jellies to clear

    Clearly the amount of moves is disproportionate to the amount of jellies to clear. I wonder how many moves it started out with.

    My assessment on the first 15 levels is based on boosters used at start of game. Players with no boosters may find it far more difficult.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?