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I play ccs in the beginning and I came to level 2000and I quit and erase all my progress. Before 3 months I start again and now iam on level 3622. I always look tutorial on you tube and I notice that many level have 1 to 5 less moves like is not hard pass level with moves which was before. This is totally unfair because new players don’t have same conditions And people from king move all good things like built the bot with previous level and collet sugar drops and tell me that’s good for players. I think I am crazy because I don’t understand all good changes which is where???probably in their pocket💰. Shame on you people from kings. 😖
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Unfortunately, the levels are always worked on, there are fewer movements to improve the challenge of playing. There are several boosters and the pull wheel. With the events, not all players get it. A selected random group of players gets this event. The groups are also changed, please be patient.
Like I say Iam probably crazy and I think many players(sorry players I am just ironic 😉).i read many asks and answers and we probably don’t see so maaany improvement. We have so many easy way to earn booster and less moves and every level is harder which is good for us and stress free. Yes I think the game give so many improvements but we are crazy and we don’t see and the end they repeat like parrots changes came soon. 3monts is soon. I am angry and crazy. Nobody love the lie. 💰
Hey there, @mandrak.
You're a bit late to the party that never stops, but that's OK.
Read the first post here to find out what's happening, then click here & here (if you wish) to read all about how the opinions/votes of a multitude of players get stifled in order to perpetuate the greed & profit of King/Activision Blizzard.
Before 3 months I start again and now I am on level 3622...
Just look at this video (one of the most recent posted) & see how that player did it, YMMV.
But all the helpers being taken away aren't making things easier, of course...
Yes I read all that article and the results is that kings took so many good things and bring some poor substitute. Most of people is really dissatisfied and unhappy. All the game is for people. You may reassure people that changes is good but I don’t think that people believe in that. I look that video because I have big problem with this level. You can play 500 times and one time you can get schedule like that. But that’s not point that you play one level so many times and you stuck many days. And after that level come some similar level equal or harder and tell me where is fun. So that’s the big problem. With previous game and helps you can pass the level. With this amazing changes you can stuck on one level days and normally that people get frustrated and unhappy. So changes is better. But the question for whom 💰💰💰
So change is better.
But the question, for whom?
I just pass 15 level from 3621 to 3635 and I count more then 10level with less moves even extra hard level have at least 1move less. And now I see they change fantastic 5. Now you must collect 7000 but they decrease point when you pass level. 😖😖
Yep, they've got a war on players going on...
hahahahaha!!!!!suprises never end. I just discover another great change. It so hard built a bot and finally I can and one level fails I loose everything. Great change. I can’t wait another great surprise from king. LONG LIVE KING💰💰😖😖
Yep, this company is crazy nowadays...
Level 3706 used to have 30moves now 12 and it’s easy level. I can’t wait what next level offers 😖