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I swapped out my phone and lost all my boosters can I get them back

mhanson Posts: 12 Level 2

Lost all my boosters when I swapped phone can you get them back to me



  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,287 Sweet Legend

    Hello and welcome to this community

    I am sorry, but it is not possible. Because you received the boosters on a cell phone and they are saved there. Unfortunately, the boosters cannot be transferred to another device. You can only play them on one cell phone. See: Go into your game on the gear - question mark = help center. It's in there. The booster cannot be transferred. Good luck

  • mhanson
    mhanson Posts: 12 Level 2

    This is not right I broke my phone twice in the last three month and this has happened both times I worked hard to get those boosters

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend

    @mhanson info from asupersatar

    You have a new phone or accidentally deleted the booster data permanently

    Sometimes your boosters cannot be recovered or replaced:

    1. If you've begun playing on a new device. Boosters cannot be transferred between devices. They can sometimes be saved in the iCloud if you use an Apple device, or on a SD card- however, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to transfer them, so we'd recommend you use as many as possible on your old device, before picking up your progress in the game on your new one.
    2. If you've deleted, uninstalled or reinstalled the game or if the game has crashed, these steps involve deleting the data where your boosters are saved. This deletion is irreversible and therefore your items cannot be recovered. When applying an update, it's important to use the 'Update' option when available in the App Store, and not remove and reinstall the device.
    3. If you use an Android device and have cleared the 'App Data', this deletion is irreversible and therefore your items cannot be recovered.

    If they have been won or obtained for free in the game, unfortunately, we do not offer a replacement for these, as per our Terms and Conditions. For more information, please contact us using the link at the bottom of this page:

  • mhanson
    mhanson Posts: 12 Level 2

    I have tried all you suggested but still have not got my boosters back

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,287 Sweet Legend

    Hello and welcome to this community

    Please go to your game: on the gear wheel - question mark = help center. Enter booster at the top and maybe there is something lost from booster there. If not, please send an email from there. You will then receive an automatic email and please reply to it again. Please include your ID number.

    Good luck

  • mhanson
    mhanson Posts: 12 Level 2
  • Spieler_8675309
    Spieler_8675309 Posts: 4,308 Level 5
    edited May 2020


    Lost all my boosters when I swapped phone...

    Yep, you're pretty much SOL about that; see this.

    Also look at this message & you'll see why they won't be rushing to change that, they prefer people to buy boosters...

  • Bumper2019
    Bumper2019 Posts: 3,271 Level 5

    Unfortunately your old phone holds the only records of the boosters you have accumulated. Best policy is to use them whilst they are available. If your old phone still works, use the boosters to the max to progress the game. Purchased boosters and gold bars are the only things that can be restored with proof of purchase. Make sure that you always save the game either to a account or facebook profile.

  • mhanson
    mhanson Posts: 12 Level 2

    How can I use them if the phone broke and I can't get on it I worked hard to save all my boosters and gold bars

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