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This level needs an urgent review. It is pretty much impossible to pass. The awkward shape of the board means it is nearly impossible to make stripes or wraps to destroy the icing at the bottom- which is far too thick, the stripe dispensers are located in useless places and half of what they dispense are horizontal stripes- which are useless for this level- and the frequency of the liquorice drops is far too high, with half the board invariable filling up with liquorice meaning any stripe that does fall cannot be used to clear the icing at the bottom. The popcorn is useless too as even if you get lucky enough to clear it, the colour bombs are surrounded by so much icing they are of no help in clearing the bottom.
Complete rethink needed here.
Hi, 8710 should be rated nightmarishly insane as you have to be really lucky just to make an impression.☹️.
Definitely needs a look at.
Hi and Welcome to our Community
Level 8710 is Hard Level hope King Studio make tweaked. Thank you
@Michael-6 Hi and welcome, Only the game studio have the ability to review and amend the levels. They monitor the new released levels closely and if the data and feedback they get from them deems it necessary then they will amend the levels either to make them harder or easier.
Unfortunately we can only report faulty levels and this is something that the studio may or may not amend. Would say though normally a bad level we have quite a few reports and then the CM will pass this on to the game studio, but this week not been hardly any regarding this weeks release
Thank you
I hope they do consider fixing the level, i cannot get remotely close to passing this one.
As a suggestion- can you provide feedback that UFOs be added to the daily wheel and the calendar, as it is clear that many of the levels released today are intentionally impossible to pass without one.
Hi dear.
To include UFO to daily wheel or treat calendar. The idea is already there in our idea section. Please check the below link and cast the vote there. Hopefully one day we might see this in the game.
Thanks once again for your suggestion.
Honesly this week most of the leves sucks staring with 8676 8710 and lots more took lot time,money and patients... plus no help from my team 😫
Welcome 🙂
In the first step, new levels are always published in the Windows 10 app, and the levels are sometimes modified after receiving feedback from players about those levels. In a word, the levels are first published as a test and then tweaked by reviews before being published on other platforms.
However, I am sending your feedback to my team and I hope the level will be reviewed.
The level has been modified.. there are now less moves. Tremendous stuff!
Would love to meet the brains trust who thought that the way to improve an impossible level is to make it even harder.
Serious question- will the designers consider the inclusion of a fun level now and again, one that players can actually enjoy? Is that too much to ask for these days?
Level 8710
Well, hopefully everyone having difficulties with this one have completed it; otherwise, they might have to wait until Monday (or a lucky board).
Hi dear (twice)...
In some cultures, if one man calls another man dear (especially if they're strangers); that might be a reason for the first man to get smacked up a bit.
But hey, this is a friendly community; you mean well, no problems...
Only the game studio have the ability to review and amend the levels.
They monitor the new released levels closely and if the data and feedback they get from them deems it necessary then they will amend the levels either to make them harder or easier...
Yep, Freddy Typos; everyone gets it by now (at least the folks posting in this topic).
Super hard levels get made a little easier, yada-yada-yada...
You've probably pasted that reply a few times out of your 41K+ comments (would anyone care to read 'em all?).
And if you don't at least double that amount by the end of the year; boy, you'd be slacking off...
Can you provide feedback that UFOs be added to the daily wheel and the calendar?
Der Spieler would settle for the (paint your) striped brush (GB value=3 for 19, or 20 for 109) here; they're actually cheaper than the saucers (GB value=19, or 10 for 139), but not as commonly rewarded in the events/side games at the moment...
Honestly this week most of the levels suck starting with 8676; 8710 and lots more took lots of time, money and patients (sp?)...
What, like hospital patients?
Hope everyone feels better & has recovered by now.
In the first step, new levels are always published in the Win(blows) 10 app; and the levels are sometimes modified after receiving feedback from players about those levels.
In other words, the levels are first published as a test and then tweaked by reviews before being published on other platforms...
Yep, there's that t-word again; so if anything in the game isn't functioning as it should, try to convince the masses that it's a test (& that you have a bridge for sale)...
So players are still doing the beta-testing for them, splendid!
Well, whenever this program (for Apple users) finally gets underway; then perhaps all those bugs/glitches will be resolved before episodes/levels go live (better late than never).
Serious question:
Will the designers consider the inclusion of a fun level now and again, one that players can actually enjoy?
Perhaps they could make a new level out of the old 236 (or something), which got altered like crazy; used to have all (81) mystery candies to start off with, but now they're all check marks/ticks.
BTW, der Spieler utilised a hand (brought a CB & wrapped together) to escape this purgatory of 8710...
Hi, 8710 should be rated nightmarishly insane as you have to be really lucky just to make an impression.☹️.
Definitely needs a look at.