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Level 1
In Candy Crush Saga, we used to be allowed to back out of a level without losing a life, as long as we hadn’t already made any moves. Please bring this option back. It is easy to accidentally start playing the wrong level and lose a life because you want to exit. Sometimes I accidentally have selected boosters before the level starts, and I realize I’d like to save those boosters for another time, but I can’t because of this change that doesn’t allow you to exit without losing a life. PLEASE FIX THIS!
Great idea!
Allow us to back out of a level without losing a (game) life
Yep, those were the days; & there was a little thread about that.
Maybe just read the first few pages; but if you'd like to read the rest of 'em, that's on you...
I think this idea has been submitted.
It sure has, & here's one of the more recent submissions...
Great idea!
Sure is, but it's not gonna happen; they are too petty & stingy for that.
But folks that play the game at least moderately might know of some other things to do to make the game work for them...
This idea is not going to be changed. The studio made the decision not to allow a player to back out and keep that level. They have no intention of changing it so unfortunately this idea is going to be closed.