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🍬 ENDEDWin gold with candy ENDED🍬

PrettyBubbles Posts: 28,241
edited March 2022 in Contests

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Hi crushers Tiffi knows just how much you love crushing candy but wants to know how well you can count them 🔢

She has shown @Elsa and I a bowl full of delicious candy for you to count

As she is only 8yrs old so she chose love heart candy💓 as she loves to read their messages before she eats them

If you count the correct amount then Tiff's reward is 20 gold bars 💰

5 of you who count correctly will be chosen at random to receive your reward 🎖

You have from the 29th January to the 12th of February to submit your answer

Now we just have keep Tiffi from eating them all 🙈 until the contest is over. I need to hurry and go check what she is up to

Tiffy sweetheart 😍 you haven't eaten and of the candy have you. Hmmm❓

Game terms and conditions can be found here.



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