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🥚🥚🦋 Benny’s Eggstra Spring challenge! (finished)

Crazy Cat Lad
Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121
edited March 2022 in Contests
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Benny the Bunny loves egg hunting and he’s a master of finding and collecting eggs every spring.

This year he even beat himself with the amount of eggs. Can you guess how many blue egg candies he collected this year by counting all the eggs in the pic above?

Look carefully and post your guess here below.

All players that guessed the correct amount or could count all the eggs and posted the correct number on this page will get this eggxclusive Candy Egg badge when the competition ends:

Three of these players will also win a Party Booster! We will pick these players randomly among the correct answers.

Remember to post your answer before 19 April and good luck!

The competition will end on 19 April 2021 at 06:00 EST/ 12:00 CET and you can find the Terms & Conditions here.



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