Sign Up! logged me out. I cannot log back in. GREEN login button "clicks" but does not connect.

Bat-2 Posts: 11

Level 2

No error messages. it just FAILS to proceed.

I was on automatic login PERMANENTLY.

Then yesterday, logged me out. I CANNOT log back in. I know my username and password. BUT when I hit the green "login" button ABSOLUTELY NOTHING happens. The button shows it has been pressed, but the link is clearly NOT working. I have tried in Chrome (my default) and in MS edge.

Approx 18 months ago I lost my progress with CC soda whist trying to solve the problem with the glitched level that would not fill the soda level (It was 4500 ish). I had to start again from scratch, due to me resetting them based on stupid advice on this forum 18 months ago to try and resolve the glitch. had fixed in the 4500ish level, and other people had it working on different formats but was not fixed for me. I am using laptop, not fb, windows 10

I was REALLY Annoyed.

I restarted CC soda and also started CC saga. I am about 587 in soda, and 2800+ in saga.

But now I cannot log in to the game at all with my current, or previous id. I can log in to community, but is probably on my original email login. BUT ALL my levels are GONE on that id anyway.

Interestingly some time ago (weeks/month??) lost my profile picture. I tried to upload it again. King showed it as uploaded BUT it didn't actually work. Whilst everything else worked, my profile pic just had this rotating circle as if it was looking for the link to the profile picture but couldn't find it. MAYBE this is related to the BROKEN login button.


Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?