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  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @LyndallD Hi Again

    Do you still have access to your PC as the reason i ask you to see if you could sign in and out is to make sure your progress was saved correctly. if your game is saved on your PC correctly then it has to be a connection to the server issue with your new device. still very strange though as if you have you gold and boosters it should also have your levels.

    Only other thing i can ask is is your map on your old device the level 5 does this have the level stars to say its been completed.

    You may need to contact support as suggested above, but in my experience if your level is saved to your old device then you should be able to get this back. otherwise customer support would reset your game and manually restore your level, not sure then if this would affect your boosters or not but only option if every option s exhausted

  • LyndallD
    LyndallD Posts: 230

    @Boybinary @Freddy_

    I could contact customer support as suggested by Boybinary but I did that once before when I had trouble after clicking on Update Terms and Conditions and nothing was solved. I am too scared of losing all my gold and boosters and F5 Team. I will just have to accept the lower levels and start to play again. At least I know what I am doing now and should progress quite fast. ATM I am still playing on the desktop and winning quite a few races which has boosted my gold bars. I have noticed that on the lower levels there is no Race feature yet.

    Thank you Boybinary and Freddy for all your advice and thank you too to @Sukanta_Biswas and @kiara_wael .

  • LyndallD
    LyndallD Posts: 230

    @Freddy_ How do I log out of CCS and then log back in on my laptop? I have never logged out of the game on my desktop.

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374
    edited August 2021

    Hello 👋

    To log out tap 'My Profile' in the game and log out in the bottom of the page to disconnect the account from the game.

    I don't think you need to contact support (or so I hope 😉) Sometimes syncs are not instantaneous. If you have already played a level, try logging out and opening again. Your progress should appear.

    Perhaps this 👉 information will be helpful.

    You can also read other information

    👉 HERE

    Thanks and keep enjoying

  • LyndallD
    LyndallD Posts: 230

    @Boybinary @Sukanta_Biswas @Freddy_ @kiara_wael @hechicerilla

    I am playing through King on Win 10 and downloaded the game via Microsoft shop. My ID matches and so does my name and email. I tried logging out of the game and logging back in. My gold bars and boosters are in tact but I have now lost my F5 Team. The map shows up tp level 170 so I thought I could start from there and I played 5 levels, finishing on 175. When I went back into the game the map was just showing up to level 170 again. I have now gone back to Level 1 and started the game again but even that is not starting me at the level I finished on. I have to keep track of which level I am meant to be playing. It is all getting very frustrating.

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    Let's see ... we collect.

    For now, forget about Fantastic 5 and the other features of the game, as they are test functions there is no guarantee that they will appear immediately. If you are in the selected quiz pool, your roles will appear when the game is stabilized.

    If your player ID matches, you have done well. So, did you read 👉 this? Have you followed the steps ?Sometimes these errors happen due to bad synchronization, do not keep the login on the two devices. Log in only one, maybe you have already done it, but I try to give solutions, I know that your game will be restored correctly shortly.


  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,928

    My guess is your game progress has probably been corrupted. Can you show me a screenshot of your current game map?

  • LyndallD
    LyndallD Posts: 230

    @Sukanta_Biswas I don't know how to send you a screen shot of the map. My level progress jumps forward when I click on "Start Race". ATM I am on level 147. I am not worrying about it and just playing the levels that the game shows me on. Thank you for all your assistance.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,665

    Hello @LyndallD If you are interested in taking a screenshot at any time, here is an article from Microsoft Support on how to use the built in Snipping Tool

    To use the Snipping Tool when you have a mouse and a keyboard:

    1. Select Start , type snipping tool, and then select it in the search results.
    2. To take a new screenshot using the same mode you used last, select New. Or, to choose the type of snip you want, select Mode (or, in older versions of Windows, the arrow next to New), and then choose a capture mode. When making free-form or rectangular snips, use your mouse to select the area that you want to capture.
    3. Use the Save and Copy buttons at the top of the snip to save or copy it to the clipboard.

    The available snipping modes are Free-form, Rectangular, Window, and Full-screen Snip.

    To use the Snipping Tool when you only have a mouse:

    1. To open the Snipping Tool, press the Start  key, type snipping tool, and then press Enter. (There's no keyboard shortcut to open Snipping Tool.)
    2. To choose the type of snip you want, press Alt + M keys and then use the arrow keys to choose Free-formRectangularWindow, or Full-screen Snip, and then press Enter. (Alt + M is available only with the latest update to Windows 10). When making a rectangular snip, hold down Shift and use the arrow keys to select the area you want to snip.
    3. To take a new screenshot using the same mode you used last, press Alt + N keys.
    4. To save your snip, press Ctrl + S keys. To copy it to the clipboard, press Ctrl + C keys.

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