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Candy Crush Troll in Weekly Contest



  • mom2chinadolls
    mom2chinadolls Posts: 4

    Level 1


  • l_e_t_2001
    l_e_t_2001 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I keep beating the troll, but it won't give me the win.

  • RtotheL71
    RtotheL71 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Another slap in the face from King with the Troll. To be clear, I ONLY played Candy Crush for so long to compete with friends. What sick, delusional, out of touch game designer came up with the idea to introduce robots??!! SOOO infuriating. If this is a ploy to make me want to buy boosters, it's a big, fat fail. The only desire it stirs up is to quit the game once and for all. First, all my Facebook friends were cut off, then my high scores disappeared, now I'm playing a robot who doesn't play the games or put in the time away from family life BECAUSE IT'S A ROBOT, but just tallies a ludicrous amount of undeserved wins. ITS INFURIATING. The game is no longer a pleasure like it was a few years ago. Now, it's just a bad habit I'm determined to break.

  • Diane_Black
    Diane_Black Posts: 20

    Level 3

    Here's the 4th week of the Troll in the Weekly Contest for me:

    Troll 198 levels

    Me 106 levels


    Troll: 2 chocolate bombs, 2 hands, 2 mixed candies, 1 lollipop, 1 coconut wheel, 1 fish

    Me: 1 chocolate bomb, 1 fish

    So the computer generated non player gets 9 prizes and I get just 2. Great fun Candy Crush! And he's back tonight for the next week.

    I'll make another point. This game has all positive characters except one - the Troll. They choose this character to invade a real player only contest. Every time we win a level, the Troll is there with a mocking face and winning. It leaves the player with a negative feeling. I saw this 106 times in one week. Is this how CC really wants us to feel in their pursuit of profits? I've put in two complaints and the responses was to go to this community for answers. The response Colleen12 received was a slap in the face. In this world of Covid, do we really need this negative character stealing what we've earned? Candy Crush/King, you're better than this! Remove the Troll from this contest!!!

  • Diane_Black
    Diane_Black Posts: 20

    Level 3

  • Brian_Cronin
    Brian_Cronin Posts: 33

    Level 3

    Their response made me imagine a possible future new character, the Electric Troll, who shocks your phone at random intervals. When players turn to King with complaints, the explanation for the new character would be, "The Electric Troll is a new character who shocks your phone at random intervals. You might notice the shocks from the Electric Troll. That is what the Electric Troll does. Hope this helps."

  • Diane_Black
    Diane_Black Posts: 20

    Level 3

    edited January 2022

    Good news! The Troll was removed from my Weekly Contest today!!! I hope it stays that way and that it happens for all of you too! THEY HEARD US!

  • Brian_Cronin
    Brian_Cronin Posts: 33

    Level 3

    I still have it, but hopefully yours being removed is just the start!

  • RtotheL71
    RtotheL71 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Mine is gone too, thank GOODNESS!!!! Hope it stays gone!! ๐Ÿคจ

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