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Candy Crush Troll in Weekly Contest



  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618
    edited February 2022

    Did you notice Mark in your competition before he got into second place? The thing is 208 is a bit more realistic. When I first started playing Candy Crush I completed 203 levels in a week.

    Last time I played you were in second place, and Colleen was first in my game.

    There was no sign of Mark in my game yesterday, but I will check later when I get back home

    The tags are a nightmare in android. If you spot the wrong tag before you post then I have found the only way to remove the tag is to delete your draft message and start again

    Good luck tagging @Crazy Cat Lad I have tagged him a few times about this, and as our Manager he is conspicuous by his absence.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618
    edited February 2022

    Haha this is my Weekly Contest now @Kerrie

    And this is how I left it yesterday

  • Brian_Cronin
    Brian_Cronin Posts: 33

    Level 3

    edited February 2022

    Obviously, I can't prove that these aren't legit and honestly, until right now, I wouldn't have even questioned them (some people do a lot of levels, ya know?), but in the current context, it sure does seem fishy.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    You are right @Brian_Cronin some people do complete a lot of levels, but generally not in less than 24 hours.

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    @Brian_Cronin @Carol-38 @unknownh24g @Hinske

    If it's a legitimate person/number why wouldn't you see them gradually add to their total while you add to yours? I'd notice someone catching my 22 levels, they'd have around the same number. Instead they just show up and pass me with 529 levels.

    Why was I second in that race but first in @Alienscar race? We have several players with "normal" progress in our race. But players with "abnormal" progress don't show up to both of us.

    The person with 529 is in my friends group but I'm not able to message them. Makes me wonder if their aware they passed 529 levels in 22 hours in my race? If they didn't pass that many levels could the same thing be happening with my avatar? I don't like that, it makes me uncomfortable.

    @kiara_wael You responded to previous posts about this situation and I thank you for that.๐Ÿ˜€

  • unknownh24g
    unknownh24g Posts: 1,127

    That's the suspicious thing. Previous week, the player/troll named Janz gradually increased the level count. But this time, it's not like that. Totally different. According to my memory, that person/troll(John) completed 0 levels 1 hour ago(from that time) and after 1 hours instantly jumped up to the first place in a suspicious manner. Never ever experienced such a thing before.

  • gardenia519
    gardenia519 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Someone has troll my Space Race. Before I went to bed, I has passed 52 levels the other two players had passed 12 and 9 levels. When I started playing this morning there were significant changes in the levels passed by the other two.

    I have now passed 57 levels. Can anything be done about this?

  • Diane_Black
    Diane_Black Posts: 20

    Level 3

    This is wild and totally unacceptable! I haven't had this problem but it seems they are trying different ways to get around the Troll issue. Maybe that's why the expanded the weekly contest from just our personal friends to anyone and everyone so we can't verify what they are doing. Another thing I've noticed in my game as well as responses from King is that all games are not equal. I'll check on videos once in a while to see how others passed a hard level and I see several videos where they have 30 moves vs my 20. Others in this community say their rewards are lower than mine. You'd think they would have everyone the same.

  • RtotheL71
    RtotheL71 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    edited February 2022

    @Diane_Black - Strangely, I've looked up levels to see what I was doing wrong, to find that my same number level is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than the level listed online. Not REMOTELY the same level at all. Why the discrepancy? You're absolutely right, ...we want to the levels to all be equal. That they are NOT is wildly frustrating and puzzling.

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    Weekly contest totals are still acting funny for me this week. Not sure how someone can complete 12 levels in the time it takes me to do 1? Even if I took my time. I've been watching since all the issues started.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?