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🛡️5️⃣ Fantastic 5 missing / not showing up?



  • Pattyt67
    Pattyt67 Posts: 247

    I’m still a zero score after more than a month and I’m the team owner that can only see my team if my sister sends me a picture. Why can’t I have MY team back if I’m the owner? It’s hurting the team and me! King is SOOOO unfair!!

  • mamabear5626
    mamabear5626 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I too lost FF last month. Kept hoping it would return. I created an awesome team. They’ve now had to create a new team and move on without me 😢. It would be nice if there was feedback from the developers admitting there is an issue and it’s being worked on. With each new app update I keep hoping for its return. We had a lot of fun playing as a team!

  • Tzvi_Marcu
    Tzvi_Marcu Posts: 2,593

    The easy answer from CM or the Moderators is "The event is not for all players and you are not in the group with the event" instead to fix the glitches. 

  • normalcrusher
    normalcrusher Posts: 29

    Level 3

    I so miss my F5 team as well. It took so much time to create this awesome group and now only I lost access to it. Common King fix your game.......

  • normalcrusher
    normalcrusher Posts: 29

    Level 3

    @Sukanta_Biswas How did you get the feature back? please show us how...

  • normalcrusher
    normalcrusher Posts: 29

    Level 3

    Shame on King! When will they bother to fix the issue....

  • gemini2904
    gemini2904 Posts: 20

    Level 3

    I have playing this game on and off for about ten years, since it first came out basically. In all that time I did not encounter any problems until just recently. I made my first ever purchase at Christmas last year and subsequently lost all my ads. I used to get frequent ads for extra lives, to win moves to continue the game and most recently watch 3 adds in a row to get 3 different boosters…. All have disappeared! I thought the don’t pay or you’ll lose your adds was a myth but that is exactly what has happened to me. Then just over 2 months ago I lost my F5 team and now today I log out and back in (checking to see if F5 had returned, as advised by King) and now I’ve lost all my gold! I doubt I can get them back as I won them in the race so did not purchase them. Also before I forget, you have changed the conveyer belt and made it clunky, slow and damn right irritating and nauseating. What next…. are King deliberately trying to alienate people and put them off playing and if so they’re are doing a damn fine job of it! This really is the final straw! 😡 🤬 🤯

  • Amoonmoon
    Amoonmoon Posts: 36,930

    Oh no 🤦‍♀️

    You too.

    Playing from 2017 and I didn't do anything.

    As soon as I bought a gold box, everything I had disappeared without exception.

    I filed a lot of complaints, but. 🤷‍♀️

  • Kerrie
    Kerrie Posts: 3,279

    I don't recall seeing anyone else getting it back. I assume they got it back because they're a moderator?

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