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💌 Lives inbox - How does it work? New Update!



  • twmrlucky
    twmrlucky Posts: 13

    Level 2

    King Games don't care about any of us period! If you post something negative about how sorry that King Games is then they will delete it. That's the reason that I am not spending another penny on any of their so called deals! They can take their greedity so called deals and shove them where the sun don't shine!

  • TinaBrown57
    TinaBrown57 Posts: 99

    Level 3

    I give up with this crappy game. They encourage you to add friends but what the hell for as you only need 20 friends for your measly 20 lives so I've deleted loads of my friends list. They encourage you to spend money but why should I spend my hard earned money on this game, I stopped spending the day they took our lives away.

    They want us to encourage our outside friends to play this game but yet again not a chance, I'd discourage anyone from playing it.

    I've played this game for years and years now, I'm constantly stuck on levels sometimes months at a time all down to having no lives but I still refuse to buy extras to help me move on and why should I? This game is so unfair to its loyal players now and it has become boring and pointless. I'd tell everyone to stay away from all king games.

  • I have been having the same problem since the update with the birthday celebration

    can’t get the GB I have or redeem the royalty keeeps spinning and message can’t connect to app store

    For some unknown reason the CC app gives me a message I am not connected to I yet er so it can’t send me rewards

    I am connected and I have done everything suggested in troubleshooting except deleting the app I don’t want to lose everything I have

  • QueenB
    QueenB Posts: 15,776

    I'm sorry to hear you're having connection issues 😮

    We did have some temporary connection issues that might have been causing this, but this should be under control now.

    Have you, by any chance tried clearing the game app cache instead of deleting the game app?

  • farrell200
    farrell200 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    This is so frustrating! I request lives from friends and never get any. I used to love this game. I’ve been playing for YEARS! It’s too much trouble and stress anymore!

  • TinaBrown57
    TinaBrown57 Posts: 99

    Level 3

    I think the problem is a lot of people have deleted friends as they have realised you do not need loads of friends any more. You only need 20 as you only get 20 lives a day anyway. I do not add friends anymore and have deleted some of mine. I too don't get many lives of friends but I suspect a huge majority don't play as much due to only having 20 lives a day so get bored and play other fairer games.

  • Catzwitch
    Catzwitch Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Came here to register my protest as well on the limit of lives we can accept from friends? Why keep adding new friends and sending lives to each other when we aren’t allowed to use them as we want when we have extra downtime to enjoy the game?!? It is very frustrating for sure!

  • Norma_Brooks
    Norma_Brooks Posts: 23

    Level 3

    I completely agree. This game has gone from being enjoyable to tiresome with this stupid restriction.

  • Lver
    Lver Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Please remove the counting.

  • Helen_Wong
    Helen_Wong Posts: 31

    Level 3

    Don't pay to buy gold bars, as long as you buy all the rewards, there are no free gifts. The worst thing is that there will only be 20 steps in each level in the future. Gold bars are used for each level, and you have to keep buying them in the end, which is what they want to make money.

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