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Player card test



  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,666

    Thanks @christinewupp it has been this way in my game for three weeks, or at least I only noticed three weeks ago.

    I could have sworn I remember scrolling back and seeing more avatars. Mostly because at the time I was thinking to myself how busy my map was due to the multiple avatars. I was also thinking who would bother to add a player that was two thousand levels lower than their current level.

    Thinking about it now I wonder if they changed it the same time they started displaying Events on both sides of the map instead of just one.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,195
    edited July 2024

    I don't know what happened to your last post, it's not here but I can read it in your profile so it might appear later, who knows. I had wanted to take your advice to befriend players at the lower levels, but of course without any player cards when we scroll back this is not possible. I might have to wait until the next leaderboard event to meet anyone who is not at my level. Needless to say those players King suggests to me as friends are not lower level players.

  • MannyFae
    MannyFae Posts: 929

    I have two episodes ahead and two behind that have avatars that are not my friends. I think that this has always been the case for me @Alienscar

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,666

    Thanks @MannyFae maybe I am remembering incorrectly then about being able to click on non-friends on the lower levels.

  • schughes
    schughes Posts: 77

    Level 3

    How do I access my friends' card?

    Given that all there are multiple players with recordings in each of the events, tapping on their avatar does nothing

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,666

    The avatars on your map can be clicked @schughes and this is the case for the avatars of your friends and non-friends.

    You can also click on the avatars of the players in your Weekly Contest.

    If it is just your friends Cards you are trying to access then they are all available under the Friends tab of your Profile.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,666
    edited October 2024

    Have you seen the new Player Card @christinewupp @Carol-38

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,222
    edited October 2024

    Whoa @Alienscar just had a look and yes I've got it too. King taking control again, where's the privacy, some of us might not want all of that shared. They can manage to keep fiddling about with things like this but not the things that really matter to us. Let's hope I get another 🤐 survey soon.

    Edit: Just checked mine and apparently I've been playing since 2023 so again another load of old rubbish 🙊

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,666

    Totally agree with you @Carol-38 and this is definitely a change that no one wanted, or asked for. At the very least they could have included a send life to all friends button when they changed this.

    I can't believe they have got your start year wrong. Makes me wonder where they get the information from now.

    Funnily enough some of this is what I was asked about in the survey that appeared on Monday. Based on this the survey was a waste of time as this makes it look like the changes had already been decided on.

  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376

    Thanks for the tip @Alienscar. Just noticed I got it too. For a second I worried about the Inventory disappearing again, then realized the Player Card you referenced is the one accessible via the map.

    Coulda sworn I began playing CCS since 2013, but that may be my mind playing tricks on me. The 2016 year it does list rings true for me:

    I suppose all the new data is useful in determining whether someone's worth friending (i.e., this is an active player), though I agree with Carol about it being unnecessary when long-requested features go ignored.

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