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Missing boosters and gold bars

Jacquelinegiallanzo Posts: 9 Level 2
edited June 18 in Discussions

I have texted you numerous times and I still haven’t received any response! Please contact me on my Candy crush page or call me at * don’t know where is my emails are! Please I’m begging you please help me. Thank you Jacqueline Giallanzo

*Edited by CM:⛔️ That’s too much personal information - Our House Rules


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 36,510 Candy Moderator

    Hi Jackie @Jacquelinegiallanzo🤗

    I have responded in your other post —> HERE (click no the Green letters to open it). Can you please reply back in that thread, so that I can help you further?

    I will have to close this thread considering it as Duplicate post!

    Thank you for understanding & have a great rest of the day🍫🍫

This discussion has been closed.

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